I'm back, and posted in the wrong spot. Whoops

Hey there everyone! I'm Alexis, and I am back! I have taken quite a long hiatus but I am now back! When I was previously on the boards my main spot was Oklahoma. I now live in Phoenix and love it here!! I haven't had a chance to update my profile just yet but I thought I would stop in, say hello, and get to know some of you awesome people!
I will be updating my whole profile very soon, so be on the lookout for recent pictures, stats, and all the fun stuff I will be offering!
I can't wait to meet you all!!
Welcome to AZ Alexis, looking forward to the updates.
Thank you! I LOVE it here. I'm from the Midwest and this heat is great compared to the humid sticky stuff out there!
I'm from the Midwest and this heat is great compared to the humid sticky stuff out there! Originally Posted by Alexis_Summers
Yes, 20 years ago in Minneapolis area 88 degrees with high humidity was as bad as 110 dry here. And then those winters, windchills, tornadoes etc., but miss the green big trees and lakes
Oh yeah the lakes! So much fun!