Very quiet ?

Travelling from Texas, the community appears very quiet in AZ, is there too much LE activity ? or am I missing something ?

Looking for some fun on Wednesday this week, can anyone suggest some good providers around ?

Thanks folks !
It's summer kids are out of school people are on vacation and etc..
Schools are back in session this week. LE is all over the place here in AZ. Stay safe....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Things quiet down in the summer. Who wants to fuck when its 180 outside LOL
Come back during prime-time, Oct-April
This board is quiet regardless of how hot it is in AZ.It has not caught on yet so your best bet is TER. I never even knew about this board until I started touring other States where its very popular.
DocHolyday's Avatar
180??? I knew it got hot in AZ but I didn't know it got that hot!! Whew!! As long as the A/C is working, its all good. lol
This board is quiet regardless of how hot it is in AZ.It has not caught on yet so your best bet is TER. I never even knew about this board until I started touring other States where its very popular. Originally Posted by NINA SIMONE
Yes, TER is great if you want reviews to be in probable cause statements for indictments. I often see them in court records.

Massive stop demand campaign and all workers are victims that need to be saved by the rescue industry (Catholic Charities funded to "save you").

Amazing how so many advertise sex for money in ads etc which is illegal in the U.S. unlike most of the world.
I'm quite sure you do but the fact is this board is not popular in every state no matter how you look at it.So as a provider who lives in Scottsdale AZ if you are looking for clientele this board is not the business.TER and P411 is.