Frank Pierce, Tree Bark Eddie Lewis, So On and So On.

iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 11-10-2015, 09:28 PM
It is my understanding posting pictures of NON MEMBERS is permissible.

Now that Mr Lewis , and his multi handles, are not members, is it within the guide lines to post His Pictures and Real life info, to warn providers to beware of him .


It is my understanding posting pictures of NON MEMBERS is permissible.

Now that Mr Lewis , and his multi handles, are not members, is it within the guide lines to post His Pictures and Real life info, to warn providers to beware of him .


Originally Posted by iggy

Outing someone like this is WRONG !! If , as you say he is no longer on eccie , let's all be glad and just MOVE ON. This drama has gone on too long . Why stir up this shit again ? Bad idea !!
Highwayman64's Avatar
Let it go Iggy......
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
The horse is dead.
Also, in regards to the rules, Frank Pierce may not be a member, but TreeBark is a mamber. Banned, but still a member nonetheless.
DDarkness's Avatar
So the answer o your question Iggy is NO!