9/1/16 Rent Day!

So it rained in the early evening around Josey and 635. That usually means the streets are null and void of activity for several hours. However, being Rent Day, I took a tour of the D Circuit and at 7:40 PM it was empty. I made the long loop at at 8:20, there was 1 WSW, 3 pairs of BDWs (all young and thin) and a thick BSW. I also discovered to Latina girls kissing and rubbing near the dumpster of the convenience store at R and D. Maybe they were trying to build some interest.
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  • BLM69
  • 09-02-2016, 12:27 PM
I remember a SW telling me that the first and 15th they get the government payment and disappear for a few days until they're broke again, fast spending habits happens quick