Help in Sioux Falls

I'm going to SFalls for the weekend for a softball tourney...gonna have some down time and am looking for a legit provider. Any of you dudes know anyone in town you can recommend?? Really appreciate it. Thanks
is real and has reviews in the NE forum under Spice. I have never been able to make timing work to see her.

This one is real. The dark haired pics are not her. She is a little thicker than the pics let on. I have seen her, but it has been a while ago. Hard to really recommend, but I have done way worse.
She is real, but I have not seen. It says no new clients, so who knows.

This one is a travelling dancer that I have never been able to connect with due to timing.

Best of luck
Thank you. I’ll check into these. Maybe something will work out and a review will follow. Have a great weekend.
sergeant11679's Avatar
Any other options? I'll be in town tomorrow. Looks like the last two links have closed.
I'd PM gregerson...he deserves the credit on this post as he did the work and put together that email..I never got a chance to get away due to a cooler full of beer that kept saying, 'betcha can't get to the bottom'!! Well I sure showed that cooler who was boss....