Sex work decriminalising in NY?

If New Orleans was an independent “City State” (think Venice in late Middle Ages), would its citizens vote to decriminalise? I think they would.
That would be a great leap in common sense and sanity, but here is the kicker. Have talked to quite a few providers about this and the majority opinion is they don't want to pay taxes, so am not hopeful.
I don't see how decriminalize would have anything to do with providers that still want to skirt taxes -legalize, yes, I could see that interfering w/ not wanting to claim/do taxes. But decrim is basically just making it to where it's no longer a crime -no registering, licensing, etc to where uncle sam would have a paper trail of you. Hell, I was a stripper for 15 yrs & the vast majority of those (but many still do) do not do taxes either & there's a 1099 involved in that.
I'm just saying the effort to have it made legal wounds have push back.
That would be a great leap in common sense and sanity, but here is the kicker. Have talked to quite a few providers about this and the majority opinion is they don't want to pay taxes, so am not hopeful. Originally Posted by OldGent
Taxes maybe-maybe not, but they would also have more customers. That is unless more providers came on scene and took customers away.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Pay taxes.
I'm clueless to this argument cuz I haven't heard it at all. Everything I see on twitter & in other forums many of us are pushing for decrim. And I'm struggling to draw a link on how that would have to do anything on taxes since decrim wouldn't have us licensing or registering unlike legalizing. There's a big different in legalizing & & decriminalization - NO want legalized, we want decriminalized. Can't mix the terms up Just means we wouldn't run the risk of being thrown in jail anymore

They're might be a few more providers -but I imagine not a huge influx as it's still stigmatizing socially. Your still gonna have women that are conditioned for that fear that stigma both socially & romantically.

I'm all up for decrim. Take the legal fear away please!
You can still be charged with tax evasion if you earn money doing something legal (or something that’s not illegal) and fail to report or under report that income. You could be charged similarly whether it’s legal or not actually.
I wasn't trying to start an argument about taxes, just making an observation based on a lot of conversations I have had with providers. I support legalization and regulation. Mandatory health checks, oversight to minimize trafficking, etc.
  • A1.
  • 06-29-2019, 12:53 AM
You can still be charged with tax evasion if you earn money doing something legal (or something that’s not illegal) and fail to report or under report that income. You could be charged similarly whether it’s legal or not actually. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion.
Blackman has the right notion of legal repercussions
You can still be charged with tax evasion if you earn money doing something legal (or something that’s not illegal) and fail to report or under report that income. You could be charged similarly whether it’s legal or not actually. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I am aware of that -hence my reference earlier to dancers & a 1099. My point was that I do not understand why a provider would be against decriminalization vs still staying criminal. Because neither is going to affect your tax status if your not doing your taxes vs if you are. We all know that if your not doing your taxes then you run the risk of getting audited or busted -but if your doing them & correctly then typically Uncle Sam don't care as long as he's getting his.

Now Old Gent hit the nail on the head with legalization which is what I was trying to point out as well that legalization is a whole different can of worms with regulations & everything else. Personally, I'm for decrim -I handle my health checks, taxes, etc on my own. I don't want legalization because lets say if the government forces us to get licenses, register, etc.. that all goes into our background -the social stigma will always be there. What happens when I'm ready to get out & I got my nest egg ready so I can move on to something else. I get a background check by a future employer etc & that pops up. No bueno. Our society already stigmatizes us women too much & tries to control us that's why I'm for decrim.

Apologies, Old Gent, not arguing -no disrespect or cattiness from me. Just clarifying my reasoning or understanding/confusion on others thoughts
Oh Oh! Just thought of this, too. Look at the legalized brothels in Nevada -now I do not know about allll of them obviously. But I have def heard the horror stories on how those girls get treated in those. Being forced to work long hours, can't leave the property, giving away half your income to the house, direct competition in room with the rest of the line up, etc.. theres prob a ton that I'm still not even considering. But that's not exactly a working environment I'd sign up for. Especially, if I had children, other work or a personal relationship at home. I do NOT trust the government enough with how they can be to trust them with my livelyhood that much. They already make it hard enough on the middle class & lower class. They'd prob have it at the end of the day to where it didn't even make sense for ladies to get into the biz anymore, perhaps. It's not idealistic obviously, but it's realistic I feel
annie@christophers's Avatar
I'm clueless to this argument cuz I haven't heard it at all. Everything I see on twitter & in other forums many of us are pushing for decrim. And I'm struggling to draw a link on how that would have to do anything on taxes since decrim wouldn't have us licensing or registering unlike legalizing. There's a big different in legalizing & & decriminalization - NO want legalized, we want decriminalized. Can't mix the terms up Just means we wouldn't run the risk of being thrown in jail anymore

They're might be a few more providers -but I imagine not a huge influx as it's still stigmatizing socially. Your still gonna have women that are conditioned for that fear that stigma both socially & romantically.

I'm all up for decrim. Take the legal fear away please! Originally Posted by Gabby_Belle
Your dropped on you head.. lol
Ya want to make how much money?
And not pay a dime??
Well.. stop having kids.
Im sick of paying for your fuck ups..

Not hard to do..


seriously.. im voting for trump ...
Yall are worring me...
Oh Oh! Just thought of this, too. Look at the legalized brothels in Nevada -now I do not know about allll of them obviously. But I have def heard the horror stories on how those girls get treated in those. Being forced to work long hours, can't leave the property, giving away half your income to the house, direct competition in room with the rest of the line up, etc.. theres prob a ton that I'm still not even considering. But that's not exactly a working environment I'd sign up for. Especially, if I had children, other work or a personal relationship at home. I do NOT trust the government enough with how they can be to trust them with my livelyhood that much. They already make it hard enough on the middle class & lower class. They'd prob have it at the end of the day to where it didn't even make sense for ladies to get into the biz anymore, perhaps. It's not idealistic obviously, but it's realistic I feel Originally Posted by Gabby_Belle
That doesn’t sound like “legalized brothels”. That’s called trafficking.