I purchased Premium Gasoline today for $2.50 a Gallon- Thank You President Obama!!!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Wow, just in time for Thanksgiving, which is normally a busy traveling time for most Americans. Well, myself and millions of other Americans saved a lot of money at the gas pump this Holiday- let's all give praises to the Obama Administration for keeping Gas prices so low.

Ok guys, I am being sarcastic, but this message was really meant for guys like Whirlaway, COG, and vast number of GOP pundits- who at one time were saying how Bush had gas prices extremely low- keep in mind when Gas prices fell toward the end of Bush's term- it was because of global recession- in which prices tend to fall when you have a global recession.

This is further proof that no POTUS has any control over gas prices. If any of you still believe it when a candidate tells you they will have gas prices low- they are flat out misleading the people.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please post a link to the post where I credited Bush for low gas prices. Thank you. Otherwise, quit lying about me.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Please post a link to the post where I credited Bush for low gas prices. Thank you. Otherwise, quit lying about me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't have the energy or the time to go back X amount of years to look for your anti-Obama post about how low the Gas was during the last year of Obama's term. Trust me you jumped on the Blame Obama bandwagon with the rest of the GOP pundits- do you also deny that you stated that Rick Perry would win the GOP nomination and then defeat Obama?
LexusLover's Avatar
This is further proof that no POTUS has any control over gas prices. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The only "gas" generated by the current "President" is hot air, but it it were for sale his exhaustive production would clearly drive down the price for hot air.
The only "gas" I generate is hot air, but it it were for sale my exhaustive production would clearly drive down the price for hot air. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Once again, there is no charge!
LexusLover's Avatar
Once again, there is no charge! Originally Posted by bigtex
No wonder "no charge" ... it's worth nothing.

Do you have an original thought?

Or do you just rely on others to do your thinking?

You were more "informative" when all you did was cut and paste.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing like family time drives the dipshits this batshit crazy!

Hey LLIdiot! Is it killing you that today is called Black Friday?
No wonder "no charge" ... it's worth nothing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, has always had difficulty dealing with his lack of self worth.

Why? Because he's a fucking Idiot, of course.

Once again, no charge!

LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing like family time drives the dipshits this batshit crazy!What's your excuse? Or do you actually have "family."

Is it killing you that today is called Black Friday? Not me! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Have you found your family yet?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, has always had difficulty dealing with his lack of self worth.

Why? Because he's a fucking Idiot, of course.

Once again, no charge!

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
More meaningless waste of bandwidth. No original thoughts, huh, little man.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More meaningless waste of bandwidth. No original thoughts Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of a meaningless waste of bandwidth with no original thoughts, have you posted any more of your meaningless cut and pastes from the Clinton era recently?

rioseco's Avatar
Wow, just in time for Thanksgiving, which is normally a busy traveling time for most Americans. Well, myself and millions of other Americans saved a lot of money at the gas pump this Holiday- let's all give praises to the Obama Administration for keeping Gas prices so low.

Ok guys, I am being sarcastic, but this message was really meant for guys like Whirlaway, COG, and vast number of GOP pundits- who at one time were saying how Bush had gas prices extremely low- keep in mind when Gas prices fell toward the end of Bush's term- it was because of global recession- in which prices tend to fall when you have a global recession.

This is further proof that no POTUS has any control over gas prices. If any of you still believe it when a candidate tells you they will have gas prices low- they are flat out misleading the people. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Yes thank you President Dipshit
Why with you opening up all those leases on PRIVATE lands, all the fracking you encouraged and especially the forging through of the Keystone Pipeline, you are the best ! Yes you, you SMF !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point Slobbrin?

What does this ignorant cut and paste graphic have to do with the price of gas?

Or is this another way you're "blastsing Ozombies?"