Utah to seize back lands taken by federal government

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Are the people starting to fight back? They are using the law to enforce the will of the people of Utah and going against the work of both Obama and Clinton. You remember Clinton's land grab back in the 90s when he paid off the Riady family by stealing Utah's rich coal areas and putting them off limits. Seems that there are only two places in the in the world with that kind of coal; Utah and Indonesia. Clinton made the Chinese born billionaire even richer that day. Then Clinton owed Riady a lot. He finished Clinton to run for governor and president

So now Utah wants to right a wrong.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This story isn't quite about that, is it, JDIdiot?

In fact, when you go past the Washington Times (autosnick) bullshit and watch the local news story, the real story comes out. What do you think about the law enforcement turf battle here?

Snide comeback will be met with the SNICK, SNORT and SPAM this post merits.