As more and more Back Page Whores like Rosallia and Zoe find their way here the need for all of us to be aware for our personal safety rises.

Whispers's Avatar
Every Local ECCIE Member needs to read this!

That's some serious shit there and it's something that could easily happen to others.

It's always a He Said/She Said Situation but after they have their say people read and make their own decisions.

Which story is more credible?

Rosallia acknowledges she took the guys card to an ATM machine and withdrew cash...... Not much else she has to say makes sense and it strikes me as an alert to try to get out in front of something......

If the Keithth has the balls to file a police report and get tested and the there are drugs in his system I think there is a crap load of evidence in the form of hotel cameras and ATM cameras that can establish her involvement....

This is serious felony shit that would put her and her accomplice in prison for a lot of years if it is true.

We will however probably continue to see her ads here

Read both sides.....How do you weigh in on this alert?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-09-2015, 09:57 AM
Every Guy needs to read this!

That's some serious shit there and it's something that could easily happen to others.

It's always a He Said/She Said Situation but after they have their say people read and make their own decisions.

Which story is more credible?

Rosallia acknowledges she took the guys card to an ATM machine and withdrew cash......

If the guy has the balls to file a report and get tested and the there are drugs in his system I think there is a crap load of evidence in the form of hotel cameras, ATM cameras tha can establish her involvement....

This is serious felony shit that would put her and her accomplice in prison for a lot of years if it is true.

We will however probably continue to see her ads here

Read both sides.....How do you weigh in on this alert? Originally Posted by Whispers
She has pretty eyes, nice hair & great MOST mongers that's about how much they care about.
Whispers's Avatar
She has pretty eyes, nice hair & great MOST mongers that's about how much they care about. Originally Posted by Toyz
I know.......

Most don't bother to make their decisions with more information than a picture and a pricetag..
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-09-2015, 10:30 AM
I know.......

Most don't bother to make their decisions with more information than a picture and a pricetag.. Originally Posted by Whispers
Similar (alleged) issue with the girl who keeps ripping people off (who I used to see but quit based on accusations) one pays heed to warnings because they think "it can't happen to me".

And then it does and we see the alert..."I fucked up".
This one stinks for sure!
Whispers's Avatar
This one stinks for sure! Originally Posted by rockerrick
On top of drugging and robbing the guy she stunk too? DAMN!
Becky GoodHead's Avatar
I don't usually care to give my input but damn! she fucked up. I saw her alert first and thought it was all a lie. and now reading his, everything he did for her... she is OBVIOUSLY (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk). I have my generous regulars as i'm sure many others do , that, similar to his story, have known me a long time and therefor know the real me and my personal life. To take advantage of what they do for me is not worth it. I feel horrible for this guy.
I reached out to Rosallia one time in regards to her post about TAE and she started calling and texting me all the way up until 4-5 am. I'm assuming MOST providers that are up all night long are (staff edit).
I assume most everyone will believe his side. There really isn't much reason NOT to believe him. Moral of the story is, dont (staff edit)...or hang with the hoes that (staff edit).
Whispers's Avatar
I don't usually care to give my input but damn! she fucked up. I saw her alert first and thought it was all a lie. and now reading his, everything he did for her... she is OBVIOUSLY on EDITED! I have my generous regulars as i'm sure many others do , that, similar to his story, have known me a long time and therefor know the real me and my personal life. To take advantage of what they do for me is not worth it. I feel horrible for this guy.
I reached out to Rosallia one time in regards to her post about TAE and she started calling and texting me all the way up until 4-5 am. I'm assuming MOST providers that are up all night long are EDITED!.
I assume most everyone will believe his side. There really isn't much reason NOT to believe him. Moral of the story is, dont EDITED!...or hang with the hoes that EDITED! Originally Posted by Becky GoodHead
I appreciate the input as others surely do and as despicable as her actions seem to be speculating about the reasons for her behavior in this manner crosses the guidelines.....

Yes... Even a whore like this Rosallia and her sidekick Zoe are pentitled to the protection of the guidelines of the board.
Becky GoodHead's Avatar
i guess i should know by now but the warnings keep coming, my apologies, i dont know what the girl does just my thoughts on it
mrhamm's Avatar
Throwing a wallet at someone is worthy of assault charges? Throw your wallet at me and I promise I WON'T file assault charges!
illuminati's Avatar
It's getting harder to determine who's BSC these days without having to go to extremes to come to a conclusion.
agentx's Avatar's getting dangerous out there.

Talk about biting the hand that literally feeds her. Behavior like that will get one 'whacked' eventually - doubt she'll make it to 30 🐍's getting dangerous out there.

Talk about biting the hand that literally feeds her. Behavior like that will get one 'whacked' eventually - doubt she'll make it to 30 �� Originally Posted by agentx
True. Those scammer girls are going to mess with the wrong person one day.

Imagine if keithth never woke up what kind of deep shit she would be in.

Glad everyone walked away with a lesson learned and not worse.
Still Looking's Avatar
True. Those scammer girls are going to mess with the wrong person one day.

Imagine if keithth never woke up what kind of deep shit she would be in.

Glad everyone walked away with a lesson learned and not worse. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin

It can ALWAYS be worse.... in the words of John Wayne Bobbit... "Any one seen my dick?"

For those of you who don't remember Lorena Bobbit wife of John Wayne Bobbit cut off his dick. Both got had trials in California. She said he beat her he said she cut off my dick! In the California court system neither were found guilty of anything! I love happy endings!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Shore, thar's a whole lotta risk wif them BackPage Hoes. Always has bin, always will bee. Cums wif tha terry-torry. This iz jus' one story we'uns is a-hearin' 'bout. But this sorta shit happens a lot wiffout it e'er hittin eccie.

But yew gotta r'memberify, a man DESERVES tha oppermahtunity ta get as much panocha as he kin git fer his dollah! Itsa gottdamm Gahd-given right! Yew cain't 'xpect a feller not to toss caution ta tha wind in tha purr-suit o' tha cheepest pussy posse-bull. E'en if'n it's bat shit crazee and all crim'nal-like.

Hell, he even said he alreddy dun gave her tha PINs ta his cards sum time bee-fore whilst he was a bonin' 'er off'n tha clock. Thet's like givin' a tella-marketer yer SSN, birfdate and momma's maiden name cuz they showed yew thar pussy on SKYPE. 'Sides, frum what wuz a posted the feller seems like he wuz either a Cap'n Save-A-Hoe 'r an' ammy-chure self-tawht pimp. Either way he got in o'er his haid wif a couple o' hard-core mamma-sitas.

An' ta top it off, she posted sum hysteramacal self'lerts on her own dang self a week 'r so ago, goin' all ballistamatic on tha mods after she posted inna review.

At this point in thyme, if'n enny hardleg wants ta poke her inner wound-whitch will-not-heel, tha sonuvagun is on his own. An' enny an' e'erybuddy oughta keep on a-keepin on hittin' up tha BackPage fer tha best deals on tha cheapest pussy inna free gottdamm werld! Gahd Bless 'Murrica!

And Gahd Bless tha FREE MARKET!