The Houston Effect?

Whispers's Avatar
As I understand it......

It is basically when posters in a forum are allowed to post unchecked with little to no enforcement of guidelines as a result of how fast things escalate vs the time frame in which a volunteer staff of MODs can react to a situation escalating. With multiple people involved and hurling insults (sometimes perceived) on both sides the attitude of "letting them deal with it themselves, we are not babysitters" developed and took root......

Editorial Note: If you wanted simple and concise there is no reason to read further.
Whispers's Avatar
For Example...

A) The whores in Austin that post are older and fatter than any most seem to want to fuck.

B) You should talk, You are an obese misogynistic pig and no one gives a fuck what you have to say.

(A) is a statement of fact, general in nature and whore is an allowable descriptive term for the working "ladies" here on the board and as such violates no guidelines. (B) is a personal attack on an individual member that is rude and violates guidelines.

Usually at this point it is (B) or those that believe in a similar manner hammering on the RTM button trying to report (A)

Others pop in and slam (B) with similar personal attacks.... The Games begin!
Whispers's Avatar
The Problem....

By the time a MOD gets around and reads the thread it is pretty apparent that (B) is the one that escalated and drew the negativity down on his/her side so they sigh and move on to other business allowing each side to have at it. What SHOULD happen is that (B) should receive a warning/infraction. This was why I raised the question myself to an Admin a little over a year ago and received the "Houston Effect" answer.

Editorial Note: Really.. There is no reason to read further to understand the nature of the issue...... Doing so may make you a victim of "The Houston Effect"
Whispers's Avatar
Some History.......

I began posting to ASPD in Houston back in 2000 and Houston Posters were always a little more abrasive than in other cities and the "grownups" were left alone. Women had no real "champions" at the time and no voice in things......

Houston developed a lot differently on ASPD than other cities because the creator of ASPD, BustyGirl, was there in Houston and was pretty opinionated in regards to provider's purpose on that board. That OWNER, BustyGirl, was a Provider herself and eventually the owner and operator of an Agency. She always deemed it FOR THE MEN and in the beginning she did not allow women to post anything other than ads. Bowing to community pressure she allowed a vote on it and relaxed that policy warning everyone before hand what would come of it as people would forget they were dealing with whores and complicated relationships would ensue that would tarnish the design...and lead a lot of guys and gals into areas better left outside of the transactional relationship a john has with a whore. She was right.

In other cities outside of Houston the effects of whores posting were pretty rapid as guys catered to their whores and the whole white knighting that resulted in guys that were pussy whipped looking for attention they could not afford to buy developed. Really... THAT"S what MOST of the male posters in CoEd are there for.....Admittedly there are a few of us that consider you to be kind of pathetic and like pushing your buttons.....

Dallas got pretty bad for a while leading up to a very popular MOD deleting a review wrote by a visiting member from Houston that had a couple of hundred published reviews always known for accuracy. BustyGirl reached out and verified the "why" behind the MOD deleting the review which was a bunch of white knights whining about the accuracy of information in the review because the review yanked included activities the girl was not known for. The girl was inundated with pressure from them and initially did not speak up..... BustyGirl did the one thing the MOD did not which was verify the information with the provider that, when put on the spot, verified the review was accurate. A new review was posted with the inflammatory material presented and the MOD was no longer a MOD and Dallas got a little bit of direction....

Austin probably went the furthest developing over the years into a forum where the MOD Staff were literally "in bed" with a group of independent providers and even had one guy deeply involved in the operation of a local Agency. Together they covered any and all missteps made by the whores...Reviews were edited, members were pressured to remove or change information in reviews and many posts, threads and accurate material simply vanished to make some whore happy and get the MOD laid or his dick sucked....... It was incredibly cliquish and information presented was censored and manipulated to please a handful of whores

Houston developed for a long time under BustyGirls watch and very little sympathy was ever shown to a whore when they whined.. As she stepped down from daily operation the Houston MODs were guys that KNEW what she wanted and things continued to run the same ...

So Houston became the "wild west" of ASPD and that seemed to continue here on ECCIE where the Houston men are still men and the wusses are continuously put in their place and the MODs are too busy approving reviews and dealing with serious shit that comes up to give a fuck about what some old fat whore getting her feelings hurt when she posts an ad in CoEd thinks...... In Houston no amount of complaining by any cadre of her supporters tended to be tolerated......

Basically the few of us here in Austin that so many tend to dislike in regards to the way we state things is pretty much the norm in Houston and if you don't have tough skin you don't play in their playground. Providers learn fast the foolishness in starting threads relating to negative reviews or things guys say about them that they get wind of..... The amount of information that the staff has to deal with policing vastly outweighs the emotional state of a whore or her wuss.... So they get shredded by a membership with dozens of guys like the ones you find so bothersome here..... Actually .. in Houston..... there are a couple of whores that will shred them as well!..... We need some whores like that here!
Whispers's Avatar
My opinion on where it goes....

Editorial Note: Still here?.. Oh well......Carry on....

As ECCIE grows, the number of "men" willing to speak their minds without concern for a whore's feelings or the comments of her suitors grows as well. As shown for many years now, it only takes a few like minded individuals to turn it all upside down. Strong opinions continuously voiced in a manner allowable and challenged by those clueless as to what is and is not allowed tends to prevail....

Although 500 new guys might join the Austin ranks and 20 or 30 of them attempt to actively post, it only takes 1 new guy with the attitude that the only thing that matters in getting laid by a whore is the money in his wallet and he owes nothing to the whores here running their business...... He's one that is well balanced and understands he has nothing they want other than money....

For a lot of guys, speaking up was never a thing to do because they did not know how to challenge a MOD that was not in line with the guidelines in place. Once they see someone pop in and post for a while, openly challenge a MOD on the nature of things, they find their voice and the "Houston Effect" takes root.

Unless there is a drastic change in the direction of the Board implemented by the owners you will see it continue to spread and flourish.
Whispers's Avatar
Why? .....

Editorial Note: Remember.... You were warned....
Whispers's Avatar
This board is about the men. The whores do not matter.
Whispers's Avatar
The board is about information. The information provided here in the form of reviews drives the membership of men to grow.

If the board continues to be a top resource for material in the form of reviews and the information shared in the locker rooms continues to be presented then advertisers will continue to purchase ads and revenue will increase.

Whether or not CoEd is a hospitable place for whores to participate is not relevant to the growth or economic well-being of the board. Information is. And the amount of information present here that is about girls that advertise on ECCIE, BackPage, EROS, Craigslist and hundreds of other places far outweighs that presented about whores that post in CoEd......

Whores can advertise here for free and will continue to flock here...... Just as we have 1000s of men here that never post a word we have high numbers of whores that never do more than run their ads. They really have no need to do more than that....

Every city has multiple forums in place and what none of you stop to realize is that CoED is simply not needed where each and every other forum serves a purpose and the MOD Staff needs to keep THOSE areas up to date and as accurate as possible.

Whores constantly replace themselves. Whores contribute little that matters to the day to day growth of the board.

The majority of Whores that advertise here have relevance to the masses while they are fresh, young and fit..... There is a smaller segment of the membership that prefer older and I'll acknowledge there is a niche a niche for the fat....

Whores age out here fast but there is always a new one in the wings.....

Male Members generate the material though that attracts the masses of other men to the site. Male Members never age out or lose relevance to the site and many contribute for many times the expected participation of a whore.

Simply put ladies..... YOU don't matter..... Simply put for you guys that like interacting with them....….. YOU don’t matter either…..

If you did you would have seen a change in the direction here many years ago.....

Whispers's Avatar

The floor is now open to the whores and whiners.....
As I understand it......

It is basically when posters in a forum are allowed to post unchecked with little to no enforcement of guidelines as a result of how fast things escalate vs the time frame in which a volunteer staff of MODs can react to a situation escalating. With multiple people involved and hurling insults (sometimes perceived) on both sides the attitude of "letting them deal with it themselves, we are not babysitters" developed and took root......

Editorial Note: If you wanted simple and concise there is no reason to read further. Originally Posted by Whispers

Von may just have a bone to pick in regards to the babysitting remark..."Choose Bonn they said, he will be good, they said, what a personality they said."
Whispers's Avatar
Von may just have a bone to pick in regards to the babysitting remark..."Choose Bonn they said, he will be good, they said, what a personality they said." Originally Posted by Usual suspects
Tell Von to "Bring it On"....
Oh shit, what did my simple question start?

Really, I knew that it would bring a detailed response from Whispers and this is an important bit of history that some of us new folks need to understand. On the other hand, I do not necessarily agree with position that the ladies do not matter. However, the ladies that matter to me are not often on Coed and do not participate in the daily give and take on the boards, they are too busy seeing clients.

Thank you Whispers for the detailed (and I did ask for it), long history lesson on the Texas boards. Your experience and views will better help me gain new perspectives about the hobby and the ATX boards.
Hey BugleGirl, you've been whining about the hostility in Austin coed for a couple weeks now, so what exactly is it you think your question started?
Kinda an over inflated ego you got going on there
For Example...

A) The whores in Austin that post are older and fatter than any most seem to want to fuck.

A) is a statement of fact, general in nature and whore is an allowable descriptive term for the working "ladies" here on the board and as such violates no guidelines.
Originally Posted by Whispers
A) is your OPINION (note usage of the word "seem") given in a derogatory manner - there are so many other words available to convey the same OPINION. No substantiating data is offered, as usual.

You should be quite familiar with the Houston Effect. You infested Austin with it.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 08:37 AM
Whispers, as usual you do a good job of expressing your POV. I will even spot you that you are more aware of the Texas history of ECCIE and its predecessors. But there are a few points I believe need to be made to tell a more complete story.

First, while I will accept on face value your version of what BustyGirl set out to do, that makes it neither perfect nor immutable. She was the owner, so yes, she got to make the rules. But it was still one person’s opinion of the right way to do things (I have no reason to believe she was intentionally trying to do anything other than what she thought best), and she is no longer setting the rules for obvious reasons. Thinks, ideas, governing ideals, and forums all evolve. Not all evolution is bad—I seem to believe removing slavery from the US constitution was good for example. BG was, as you point out, a provider

Second, as a corollary of the point above, ECCIE is not ASPD circa 2000. You (and others) think that is bad. I (and others) do not. Maybe in an ideal world there would be two boards for two different purposes and appealing to two different sets of customers. For the moment it is not such. The whole basis of your argument is that one subset of the ECCIE population should be catered to over others. I strongly believe they should coexist—as I have seen in other web sites.

Third, you base your arguments primarily on financials. But the reality is bet most people who pass through here do NOT pay, and many of the advertisers are probably getting far less return than they think they are. One approach would be to give a vote to every paying member and see where things go. I am not sure a lot of people would like the results.

Forth, you put great reliance on your example:
A) The whores in Austin that post are older and fatter than any most seem to want to fuck.

B) You should talk, You are an obese misogynistic pig and no one gives a fuck what you have to say.

The problem is, much of your argument is based upon how carefully the comments are worded. Change them to:

A) Those whores in that thread in Austin (specific reference) are older and fatter than any most seem to want to fuck.

B) Guys should talk, they are obese misogynistic pigs and no one gives a fuck what they have to say.

I suspect most readers will get the same mental image from the way you worded it and the way I did, but technically the guilty party is different in the two wordings. (Just look at Rick’s recent personal attacks: do you agree he was sloppy with his words and should get slapped as in your example above?). I personally don’t like to hide behind word games and would rather apply any moderation to the substance/message, but I concede that is hard. I have blasted some folks on here and on other boards and in all the years and posts the only time I received any slap was because a couple members (guys) blatantly lied to mods about the issue. One can be exceedingly hostile and personal while hiding behind general words—and please don’t pretend you don’t know that. You are very good at it as well.

Which leads to the whole issue of YOU believe it is fine to castigate and insult an entire group, but not individuals. I actually see group insults as worse than individual insults—though I admit group insults are more efficient on a per word basis.

No matter, the bottom line is the vision of what the board should be, who it should attract, and the atmosphere it should have. The problem is, there is really no “should” in any of that. That is completely subjective, and while your vision is not “wrong”, neither is it “right”. There are many alternate ways to define the what/who/atmosphere, and except for a few that probably go off the deep end most are no more “right” or “wrong” than the others. You favor a site encapsulated by your couple comments:

In other cities outside of Houston the effects of whores posting were pretty rapid as guys catered to their whores and the whole white knighting that resulted in guys that were pussy whipped looking for attention they could not afford to buy developed. Really... THAT"S what MOST of the male posters in CoEd are there for.....Admittedly there are a few of us that consider you to be kind of pathetic and like pushing your buttons.....”


This board isabout the men. The whores do not matter.”

You have the right to that world view. Where you go off track is when you convince yourself—and shout to others—that your view is a divine decree from on high. Not unless you now own the board.

I am not one who wants to silence your POV. My belief in the way forward for the most valuable board to the masses is to encourage threads of varying perspectives AND a mod process that is more effective in holding down the hostility. Whether that is very pointed hostility towards an individual, or the more carefully worded hostility towards a group (even when every reader knows precisely the individual being targeted). Right now there is a conscious strategy to carefully stay within the letter of the rules (if not the intent, and even if some are carless and step across the line) to make this a hostile place to many people.

I prefer to see a diversity of threads, not every thread for every reader. Simple, if you find a thread uninteresting, skip over it. If you disagree with a point, respond without the hostility or move on.

PS: I wonder what your view of this post from this morning in this thread is:

“Hey BugleGirl, you've been whining about the hostility in Austin coed for a couple weeks now, so what exactly is it you think your question started?
Kinda an over inflated ego you got going on there”

Does that fall in your Example B category, worthy of a mod slap? I certainly seems to fit the prototype and I would expect you to be consistent.