Remember When . . .

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Remember when the success of the War on Poverty was determined by how many people got off welfare? Not anymore, the USDA is now advertising for food stamp customers. Get food stamps! Look and feel better!

hell let's call them COG
joe bloe's Avatar
We have the same percentage of poor people today as we did when LBJ cranked up the "war on poverty" in the sixties. We've spent trillions supposedly fighting poverty and have nothing to show for it.

The Dimos intention was never to end poverty, but to get people addicted to welfare, so that they would vote for the Dimos in perpetuity. The Dimos are like a doctor that prescibes morphine for all his patients. He's able to build a huge successful practice because his patients have to keep coming back to him for more morphine. No one would accuse such a doctor of being motivated by what was best for his patients.

The Dimos are motivated by aquiring power and not by what is best for America.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-02-2012, 12:07 PM
We have the same percentage of poor people today as we did when LBJ cranked up the "war on poverty" in the sixties. We've spent trillions supposedly fighting poverty and have nothing to show for it.

The Dimos intention was never to end poverty, but to get people addicted to welfare, so that they would vote for the Dimos in perpetuity. The Dimos are like a doctor that prescibes morphine for all his patients. He's able to build a huge successful practice because his patients have to keep coming back to him for more morphine. No one would accuse such a doctor of being motivated by what was best for his patients.

The Dimos are motivated by aquiring power and not by what is best for America. Originally Posted by joe bloe
. BINGO. Right on the money
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-02-2012, 12:40 PM
Joe B, that is utter bullshit. But then why would I expect anything else from the open minded "I got mine" crowd on here.

It isn't the Dems--or the Reps--it's the overly litigation happy society the lawyer (of all political persuasions) have turned us into. More lawyers per person than any other place on earth--by a lot. I've seen different numbers but always the same ranking. most_lawyers_per_capita

As a result we've become a checklist society where judgment is missing, because judgment leads to being sued. It's just that each party has a different checklist to fit their rigid views.

I have a friend--former escort trying to go a different direction with her life. She put herself back into school to get a license and be self sufficient. The licensing bureau reviewed her background check prior to her spending a year and several thousand $. They said it was good to go. Now the same office, same people, are disallowing her license request because of a couple misdemeanors when she was a teen--long, long ago--and one recent DUI charge that was dropped. And while their web site says they turn license requests in 2 to 3 weeks, they held hers up with no reply (and refused to answer her phone calls or e-mails) from Feb to June. Hate to disillusion some of you wet tea bags who babble about the goodness of Republicans, but it is a Republican licensing chief in a Republican city/county who is keeping her from working. Another bible thumper who believes in old testament retribution. I wonder how vehement his comments would have been if he knew she used to be an escort!

By the way, their own web site says the three issues she had are NOT reasons to disqualify. Yep, it's Republicans who want people to be able to work, and it's the God fearing bible thumpers who believe in forgiveness. Bullshit!

And lest you Dems start feeling too good about yourselves, after she graduated and has been waiting to even HEAR about her license request the Democratic welfare folks say she isn't eligible because she finished her schoolwork--even though the schoolwork is legally not sufficient to work. She has applications out, three places saying she has a job as soon as the license comes through (which now won't happen), and has done all the hours of work they said she has to do. Of course her skin color is wrong.

Yep, a plague on either party that claims to care about people. Nothing but politically motivated lies.
And what is your answer to your friend's problem? More fucking bureaucracy (aka Obamacare)? Why don't you support a political ideas that limit he scope of government? Get them the fuck out of our lives?

I have a friend--former escort trying to go a different direction with her life. She put herself back into school to get a license and be self sufficient. The licensing bureau reviewed her background check prior to her spending a year and several thousand $. They said it was good to go. Now the same office, same people, are disallowing her license request because of a couple misdemeanors when she was a teen--long, long ago--and one recent DUI charge that was dropped. And while their web site says they turn license requests in 2 to 3 weeks, they held hers up with no reply (and refused to answer her phone calls or e-mails) from Feb to June. Hate to disillusion some of you wet tea bags who babble about the goodness of Republicans, but it is a Republican licensing chief in a Republican city/county who is keeping her from working. Another bible thumper who believes in old testament retribution. I wonder how vehement his comments would have been if he knew she used to be an escort! [/COLOR]

By the way, their own web site says the three issues she had are NOT reasons to disqualify. Yep, it's Republicans who want people to be able to work, and it's the God fearing bible thumpers who believe in forgiveness. Bullshit!

And lest you Dems start feeling too good about yourselves, after she graduated and has been waiting to even HEAR about her license request the Democratic welfare folks say she isn't eligible because she finished her schoolwork--even though the schoolwork is legally not sufficient to work. She has applications out, three places saying she has a job as soon as the license comes through (which now won't happen), and has done all the hours of work they said she has to do. Of course her skin color is wrong.

Yep, a plague on either party that claims to care about people. Nothing but politically motivated lies. Originally Posted by Old-T;2872990
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 01:53 PM
And what is your answer to your friend's problem? More fucking bureaucracy (aka Obamacare)? Why don't you support a political ideas that limit he scope of government? Get them the fuck out of our lives? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you dont want people to have insurance .. got it

so that person becomes deathly ill and gets medical care at a state supported hospital that taxpayers pay for which keeps government IN your life.


CJ; think outside the box....stop regurgitating the stuff the Democrats feed you.

What is the Obama administration going to do with the individuals who refuese to get insurance; don't have it (illegals), pays the ObamaTax penalty, then can't pay/won't pay his hospital bill ?

An intelligent answer would be appreciated.
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe B, that is utter bullshit. But then why would I expect anything else from the open minded "I got mine" crowd on here.

It isn't the Dems--or the Reps--it's the overly litigation happy society the lawyer (of all political persuasions) have turned us into. More lawyers per person than any other place on earth--by a lot. I've seen different numbers but always the same ranking. most_lawyers_per_capita

As a result we've become a checklist society where judgment is missing, because judgment leads to being sued. It's just that each party has a different checklist to fit their rigid views.

I have a friend--former escort trying to go a different direction with her life. She put herself back into school to get a license and be self sufficient. The licensing bureau reviewed her background check prior to her spending a year and several thousand $. They said it was good to go. Now the same office, same people, are disallowing her license request because of a couple misdemeanors when she was a teen--long, long ago--and one recent DUI charge that was dropped. And while their web site says they turn license requests in 2 to 3 weeks, they held hers up with no reply (and refused to answer her phone calls or e-mails) from Feb to June. Hate to disillusion some of you wet tea bags who babble about the goodness of Republicans, but it is a Republican licensing chief in a Republican city/county who is keeping her from working. Another bible thumper who believes in old testament retribution. I wonder how vehement his comments would have been if he knew she used to be an escort!

By the way, their own web site says the three issues she had are NOT reasons to disqualify. Yep, it's Republicans who want people to be able to work, and it's the God fearing bible thumpers who believe in forgiveness. Bullshit!

And lest you Dems start feeling too good about yourselves, after she graduated and has been waiting to even HEAR about her license request the Democratic welfare folks say she isn't eligible because she finished her schoolwork--even though the schoolwork is legally not sufficient to work. She has applications out, three places saying she has a job as soon as the license comes through (which now won't happen), and has done all the hours of work they said she has to do. Of course her skin color is wrong.

Yep, a plague on either party that claims to care about people. Nothing but politically motivated lies. Originally Posted by Old-T
Trial lawyers donate to the Dimos five to one. A big part of the high cost of health care (sixty to two hundred billion a year) is due to greedy trial lawyers. We can't get tort reform because of the fact that the Dimos fight it tooth and nail.
CJ; think outside the box....stop regurgitating the stuff the Democrats feed you.

What is the Obama administration going to do with the individuals who refuese to get insurance; don't have it (illegals), pays the ObamaTax penalty, then can't pay/won't pay his hospital bill ?

An intelligent answer would be appreciated. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You'll never get a Dem to comment on the millions of illegals that will continue to mooch off the system at our expense, except "Do you want them to die?".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 06:11 PM
CJ; think outside the box....stop regurgitating the stuff the Democrats feed you.

What is the Obama administration going to do with the individuals who refuese to get insurance; don't have it (illegals), pays the ObamaTax penalty, then can't pay/won't pay his hospital bill ?

An intelligent answer would be appreciated. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

nobody fed me anything whirlie

33 million people that have insurance wont be spending taxpayer $$ a county/state hospitals

if you dont want that to happen thats your business ... personally I'm ready for it to START, NOW.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who will pay for it, CBJ7? I'd like to know, too.