San Antonio Raiders?

Looks like jack Del Rio is the guy they've pegged to try and finally turn that franchise around.

I've been saying for years that SA's best bet to get an NFL franchise is to have a crappy team move here rather than wait for expansion.

I know this being Texas, there's probably not a lot of Raiders fans here but would you switch allegiance knowing this team could only get better?

Would you go to any games?

I REALLY hope they do move here.
pickupkid's Avatar
Dream on ...they would have to build a new attract a major league team.....that won't happen....."If we build it they will come".
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Have seen $$$ estimates for a new venue; no thank-you...
htownsa's Avatar
This city's politics are already corrupt enough lusting after quick dollars. The last thing it needs is to get in bed with the NFL. SA politicians are WAY to short sighted/small minded to realistically support a Team outside the Spurs. They're already getting played like newbies on BP while the raiders are rewriting their extension with Oakland. This city has a shell of a downtown only bolstered by a canal called a river. It is a pretty canal at least. A highway system easily built for 250-500k less people if not more. Lastly, and actually the main reason for me..... is that the last thing i want is a flashback to the late 80's/early 90's when every wanna be gangbanger (not hobby related) was sporting the raiders logo. Again, bad enough with the Spurs.

There would be a fan base for a team here, I wont discount that and I'd be one of them... Still an OIlers fan for life though. Texans by default. I have the SA pride, city has taken me in and treated me well over the years. It's truly why I'd rather it not do this to itself.
The demographics of San Antonio.. even with the growth in the last 10 or so year would NOT support an NFL team, a hell of alot of Dallas fans here. The Spurs are probably the only Pro team in this town for a long time. This is a big town with small town mentality -- look at the Highways / freeways.. still way behind. and besides that I am a Raider HATER!!!
FootLong's Avatar
Jerry Jones would never let SA get a team...too many Dallas fans it would siphon off.
pickupkid's Avatar
We are still waiting new raceway that was suppose to be built next to the Att Center.. New Hotels..Restaurants ...good luck with that.
I agree that the city wouldn't be able to support a team. The Alamo Dome does not have enough parking so they would have to build a brand new venue and the cost would be too much for the paltry earnings the team would bring in unless they magically get great draft picks.
Guest010619's Avatar
Back in the late 80’s, when Henry Cisneros first proposed a ‘multi-sports’ stadium, many thought that pro-football would finally come to San Antonio. The site which was the old Alamo Iron Works was not large enough for a true stadium. Anyone familiar with the already outdated Astrodome could see that. Suggestions were made to put the stadium on the Southeast side near Brooks AFB which had plenty of undeveloped land (before Toyota arrived) and was an ideal location with the freeways that connected the area.
The Alamo Ironworks site was investigated by groups opposed to the taxpayer funded dome and had noticed that the price for the site doubled in price over a matter of weeks thus raising suspicions of a 'sweetheart' deal.
But starry eyed San Antonians were duped into supporting the dome, and later the AT&T Center and the demolition of the original Hemisfair Arena and building of an enlarged convention complex.
Years later, angry San Antonio residents, upset that they never got the promised football team were later told by Henry in one of the truest statements he ever made.
“I never said we would get a football team.”
Indeed! It was only implied.
I think the cowboys fan base however large is a non-issue. SA is becoming a town where people are re-locating to so believe it or not there are a lot of non-cowboys fans- myself included - so they bring their own team pride with them. Also if they keep SAR in the AFC-west those games will probably remain at 3PM CST so it won't conflict with Texans or that other Texas team.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Major league baseball would be a better fit for SA, the As were using SA as a bargaining chip for a new stadium in Oakland. MLS will be here before either NFL or MLB. Big town with small town mentality is spot on.
BD1969's Avatar
I'd like to see an NFL in SA even as a Cowboys fan.
If they build any NFL stadium it really needs to be at or near Retama park, not downtown. At that location you bring in a larger population with San Marcos, New Braunfels and southern Austin along with SA. Having been at the Kansas City complex of the Royals and Chiefs it was the ideal location. One parking lot supported both teams and easy access to highways, in and out very quickly. Retama could offer the same. JMO
We are more than happy to keep our crappy team in California thank you very much. Nikki needs somewhere to be drunk fool and scream about being an Autumn wind.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-18-2015, 01:36 PM
The only thing you can count on is that San Antonio will continue to be used as a bargaining chip for NFL teams to get what they want in their own locales. It has happened more than once now.

This town simply does not have the per capita income to support 60,000 people paying exorbitant amounts of money at least 10 times a season to watch an NFL game.