The senile old goat sets a office just over 2.5 yrs and taken a total of 367 days...JUST OVER A YEAR WITH A YEAR AND A HALF TO GO!!

Biden Sets All-Time Presidential Record

Biden Sets All-Time Presidential Recordİ Provided by America Insider

As of August 7, 2023, President Joe Biden just took his 367th day of vacation in just 2.5 years, which sets a record compared to any other president in recent history.
Biden has been on vacation for roughly 40% of his time in office. He is outpacing every single one of his modern predecessors.
Critics have pointed out that Biden has been on vacation for an entire year, even though his vacation days are not consecutive.
According to the Republican National Committee, Barack Obama spent 328 days (11.2%) on vacation while George W. Bush spent 1,020 days (34.9%) and Bill Clinton spent 345 days (11.8%).
Ronald Reagan spent 335 days (11.5%) on vacation, Donald Trump spent 381 days (26%), George H.W. Bush 41 spent 533 days (36.5%), and Jimmy Carter spent 79 days (5.4%) on vacation.
ICU 812's Avatar
Setting aside any thought of politics or underhanded dealings . . .and focusing only on the health of President Biden I say:

I think that his physical and mental conditions are worse than anyone outside his inner circle imagines. It is my belief that he needs serious medications and therapies to keep him able to perform anywhere close to "healthy" or "normal". Some days he seems to be as sharp and articulate as anyone his age. Other days he seems to be mister McGoo with a hangover, needing to be led around by the hand and prompted for every action. At times he seems genuinely confused.

It is my belief that President Biden needs powerful drug therapy to bring him up to the level of energy, co-ordination and cognition required for him to read his speeches off the TelePrompTer and walk out to the helicopter. But then he needs the down time to recover from whatever side effects those drugs may have. It may be that he needs the rest because "they" give him some energy boosting drugs to get him up and out at all. We only ever see him walking to the helicopter or for a hundred yards or so on a bike. There may be a "crash" effect from those sorts of medications.

In my view, those closest to him are engaged in a form of elder abuse.

I am convinced that Mr. Biden's health is more precarious than anyone imagines.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...In my view, those closest to him are engaged in a form of elder abuse.

I am convinced that Mr. Biden's health is more precarious than anyone imagines. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I suspect it is even worse than that. Can you even imagine what cocktails of meds they must be pumping him with at this point to even keep him ambulatory, much less speaking? Not that he had much of a brain before, but it must be getting stewed by now.

We can see it in the way other world leaders sluff him off or practically hold his hand to shuffle him to were he needs to be. There is also the random wandering off. His gait is for shit. I do not see how any world leader can even take him seriously. The question remains -- who is the puppet master and who are those other leaders talking with off camera?
Biden Sets All-Time Presidential Record

Biden Sets All-Time Presidential Recordİ Provided by America Insider

As of August 7, 2023, President Joe Biden just took his 367th day of vacation in just 2.5 years, which sets a record compared to any other president in recent history.
Biden has been on vacation for roughly 40% of his time in office. He is outpacing every single one of his modern predecessors.
Critics have pointed out that Biden has been on vacation for an entire year, even though his vacation days are not consecutive.
According to the Republican National Committee, Barack Obama spent 328 days (11.2%) on vacation while George W. Bush spent 1,020 days (34.9%) and Bill Clinton spent 345 days (11.8%).
Ronald Reagan spent 335 days (11.5%) on vacation, Donald Trump spent 381 days (26%), George H.W. Bush 41 spent 533 days (36.5%), and Jimmy Carter spent 79 days (5.4%) on vacation.
Originally Posted by bb1961
That brain dead fuck isn't running the country anyway. In fact, I prefer he stay on vacation. If he gets too ambitious then this country is really screwed.
Precious_b's Avatar
Yeah. He's on record to break donnys vacation time in office.