A bit of an (involuntary) hiatus...

Today has been a day of bad news for my company... we had quite a number of layoffs. Thankfully, I still have a job; unfortunately I'm looking at a (hopefully short) rather substantial paycut. The mortgage comes before hobbying, so I'm sad to say that I will be cutting my recreational spending quite a bit.

I've got my fingers crossed for a couple of side gigs that will land me back on my feet in short order, but like all things that takes time to set up and start enjoying the benefits. But I'm good at and like what I do, and I know the work is out there... and there is no better way to forget my troubles than enjoying the company of a beautiful lady! ;-)

So, I hope you will all forgive me for not being a greater contributor to the ECCIE community for a bit; I will keep on top of things and submit reviews as appropriate!
Guest031213-03's Avatar
Good luck....
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Been there myself; I've felt your pain. Hope things improve sooner rather than later...


big boi terry's Avatar
Know the feeling, good luck to you.
DallasRain's Avatar
Best to ya babe!!!!!!