User/ Client LOOKING2HAVEFUN, is most definitely Legit and has every right to post his opinions about anyone he sees. Draa is very overrated on this website. We were all new or considered new at one point so why is it that you have the right to judge someone based on a review and how the session went. Maybe she didnt do those things at one point or maybe youre not talking about the same person. Ive seen this guy, he is very friendly, very social, respective of boundaries and definitely wants to see the same girl he saw in the pic, no surprises. He is also a very good client. I am still considered new, but im a verified provider and have reviews and a legitimacy report by a moderator. I also travel with a young woman who is very VERY wel known on here and p411. So believe me ehen i say he is legit.. and any girl would be lucky to have him as a client.

Thanks for your time and letting me state my opinion,
Miss Khloe Jolie <3
Sonoman's Avatar
Not real sure who the WK is in this marriage...............
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
whats a wk?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
"WK" = "white knight".


Drama king. The world would be less cluttered with less drama.
Sonoman's Avatar
Who are you calling Drama King?
Obviously you. Take some advice and act a lil mature.. im younger than you, but i also act older and way more mature. So grow up dude.
You know Khloe, what constitutes mature to the immature remains immature to the mature.

The guy for whom you vouch was questioned because he provided an inconsistency in ROS comments which was easily observed without even the slightest effort by Sonoman. It was a good catch.

What was this guy's response? To blast me for recognizing the value of the easily observed while acknowledging a legitmate skepticism, and then to go see a VP (that would be you) and ask you to vouch for him.

None of this was necessary. He easily could have replied with something like, "Oh, my bad, there are TWO girls <private, ROS>", but he didn't.

You, being young and new to the biz, perhaps think as he does that acceptance is automatic. It is not. Rather, it is earned.

Obviously you have some talent and are rather attractive, but taking on mature men with derision is unbecoming, as is reverse-white-knighting.

Just let it go and learn from those who are more seasoned in life, as well as the hobby.

JMHO, FWIW (which will be little if my first sentence is applicable)