Odd Career question Memphis or Nashville

SO, I am considering relocating for my RL career. There are several cities on my radar, but I would like to consider my "additional income" in my decision.
Is Memphis or Nashville more active in the hobby?

I appreciate any feedback
Thanks for the PM's guys. Seems there is a deadlock and I have been referred to Lea and Babee for a tie breaker! lol. Ladies, any suggestions?
Either would be a good base. (Look at 6 hours from Mphs. 6 hours from Nash or 4). Mphs guys are cheaper (y'all are) Nash is hotter & has better vice.

You'd have more opportunity to wear the cowboy boots in Nash......with the daisy dukes please. I think the only bull @ here is in Tunica. Forget where.

Reach out to Hannabeth and Megan Love of Nash. IF my family and land weren't here, I'd be in Nash.

Mphs' vibe is closer to NOLA's. And we have better food. Nash's rock scene is better (seriously - lived there 3 years went to one "country" show - the CMA's.) Bonnaroo is closer to Nash...
Thanks hon and thanks for the pm's. Looks like the job opps are better in Memphis. I will see where the cards lie.


or for babee

Spank ho spank ho
DallasRain's Avatar
Memphis is more central in case you want to tour

BUT don't leave me alone in Nola!!{lol}
Miss Dee, I could end up anywhere at this point. Exploring options. Money is better out of NOLA, less competition for my RL job. I want to get more country, lol. We are neighbors, but I bet if I move, I'll see you more! ha
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 02-15-2012, 07:05 AM
If I had the option to move right now, it would be to Nashville!
DallasRain's Avatar
yea I like Nashville or Dallas
Nashville is a great place for family, that's why I moved here from Memphis. Now I don't rely on the locals for income. I travel if I want to make extra.

I don't play much here honestly. I might see one client a week when I'm not on tour.

If you move here, just screen as best as you can. I turn 80% of clients here.

But that works for me, I chose to be picky and low volume.

Good luck with whatever you decide...
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Memphis is more central in case you want to tour

BUT don't leave me alone in Nola!!{lol} Originally Posted by DallasRain
I disagree depends on where you want to tour, Nashville is Central to Knoxville, Louisville, Memphis, and Chattanooga. By the way Dallas still waiting for your to tour.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I disagree depends on where you want to tour, Nashville is Central to Knoxville, Louisville, Memphis, and Chattanooga. By the way Dallas still waiting for your to tour. Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
The critical question is "central to what?" Nashville is central (sorta) to the "South", defined as "the states of the old Confederacy east of the Mississippi River". Memphis is a bit more central to the nation as a whole, including the Midwest and Plains states, and the Southwest, in addition to the South.

If one wanted to be really central, one would cast an eye on St. Louis or Kansas City, I'd say.* But as a native of the Show-Me state I suppose I'm a bit biased. Not to mention that Heidilynn didn't mention wanting to move farther than Nashvegas/Memphis. (Of course, if she relocates that's being driven by the needs of her RL career; she was inquiring about the scene in Nashvegas/Memphis in terms of the impact on her part-time business.)



* Casting aside my pro-Missouri bias, if one really wanted to set up as a high-class national provider I suspect Chicago would be the place to locate. Not exactly "central" geographically, but the transportation network out of there would be unbeatable, with easy access by air to both coasts.
DallasRain's Avatar
I meant central to wherever she might want to tour.Texas/St Louis/Louisiana/Nashville etc
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I meant central to wherever she might want to tour.Texas/St Louis/Louisiana/Nashville etc Originally Posted by DallasRain
<threadjack>Oh, lordy, lady, that is one helluva avatar! I think that perked me up even more than the coffee did.</threadjack>

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled discussion.


I have only toured both Nashville & Memphis once, but Nashville was awesome! I have never met such nice people in any of my travels. Memphis business was pretty dead for me and my duo partner. Honestly, in all of my travels, I have never found a cooler city than Nashville. It's so awesome!

Good Luck in your decision

xoxo Kourt