Alternative Payment Methods

To all Providers,

Has anyone ever or would anyone be willing to take alternative forms of payments for reasons of discretion? Basically my spouse and I have access to all finances together, so in order to hobby I would have to bring literal gifts in the value (receipt required no worries) of the $ donation. Instead of bringing the green I would bring something of equal or greater value. Gifts, gift cards, etc...

Hobbyist, has anyone ever had to use this alternative route?

It sucks, but a mans got to figure out a way to hobby! LOL! I've been out since the ASPD days! GRRRR....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-07-2013, 01:48 PM
Bad idea, always fails. Soon to come will be the alert. I hear of guys with your problem using cash back options like at Kroger and cvs to over time add up to what thy hobby with. Takes time I know, but cash is king.
See that was my concern. I do not want an alert on me. I was genuinely asking if anyone would consider or has considered. For certain I was not pressing it on anyone. I want to do what is right by the providers.

For that matter, hell I forgot to add...PM me to communicate.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Didn't a guy once trade some Home Depot lawn furniture for some poon. I think that one worked out. But there was that whole XBox fiasco, & don't get me started on Toys for Tot's
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 02-07-2013, 02:13 PM
I would think the specific provider would have the ultimate say. The only problem is, there have been numerous problems with scammed gift cards, etc. It would help if you showed the receipt, but still there is stigma attached to the "barter" system.

Perhaps you could purchase an item for cash and then return the item for the cash back. It depends on how detail oriented your SO and whether she would demand to see all items you have purchased in the past. Also, as mentioned, the cash back option would work unless she scrutinizes each receipt.
BBWrider's Avatar
You have to figure out a way to squirrell cash UTR. A seperate account that all coorespondense from comes to your business instead of home, or a PO Box or friends house or something. If you have to pull out $40 every three days from an ATM and lie about why you did with it and stock pile it then you can do that. If you get bonuses or OT at work ask for it in a check instead of direct deposit is another method.

Discussing financial freedom with your spouse isn't the worst idea either. If you do keep a joint account and each of you see everything that ever happens with it then maybe talking to each other about maintaining a little bit of freedom in that regard isn't the worst idea. She could pull cash to buy whatever she wants without your scrutiny and vice versa. I know I'd get irritated if in a marriage we had plenty of money and yet I still had to explain every dollar I spent, as should any wife as well.

if that sounded like marriage advice I didn't mean it that way, ijs
linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 02-07-2013, 02:27 PM
This rarely ends well. Wouldn't suggest it.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 02-07-2013, 02:36 PM
Put your pussy on a Lay-A-Way plan

Thanks for the suggestion guys. And to answer your questions yes my SO is that contolling. Hence my NEED to hobby
tbone77494's Avatar
Home depot gives cash back if you buy with debit. Do a home improvement project. Easy to overestimate materials needed. Also, wife backs off for a bit since you saved money by fixing something yourself. Everyone wins!
blowpop's Avatar
Good advice. Squirrel away an extra $20 whenever you can with cash back - and for god's sake, trash the receipt.
  • gsgm
  • 02-07-2013, 04:20 PM
Cumselot, Think hard about this. That controlling .... there is a train wreck in the future ...

But good luck whatever you decide.
Pica Flor's Avatar
To all Providers,

... Basically my spouse and I have access to all finances together, so in order to hobby I would have to bring literal gifts in the value (receipt required no worries) of the $ donation. Instead of bringing the green I would bring something of equal or greater value. Gifts, gift cards, etc...... Originally Posted by Cumselot
Good luck, it really all depends on the provider on what you offer, yes, I have used (not because I had to but because of the opportunity) alternative ways of "payment" but they were of a higher value to the provider that a normal payment. Basically, if the provider requires a $$ donation, and you offer a $$ gift card, do not be surprised if the provider is skeptical, offer her a $$$ value option (or what it may seem a $$$ value) and you may be into something... HOWEVER,.... if, as you state your spouse have access to all of the finances, I would advice you find another hobby unless you are ready for the consequences.
To all Providers,

Has anyone ever or would anyone be willing to take alternative forms of payments for reasons of discretion? Basically my spouse and I have access to all finances together, so in order to hobby I would have to bring literal gifts in the value (receipt required no worries) of the $ donation. Instead of bringing the green I would bring something of equal or greater value. Gifts, gift cards, etc...

Hobbyist, has anyone ever had to use this alternative route?

It sucks, but a mans got to figure out a way to hobby! LOL! I've been out since the ASPD days! GRRRR.... Originally Posted by Cumselot
I think it all depends on the type of provider you are dealing with. Works for some not others and vice versa. My opinion being upfront and forth coming is the best policy.

Just my .02 in the long run.
Discussing financial freedom with your spouse isn't the worst idea either. If you do keep a joint account and each of you see everything that ever happens with it then maybe talking to each other about maintaining a little bit of freedom in that regard isn't the worst idea. She could pull cash to buy whatever she wants without your scrutiny and vice versa. I know I'd get irritated if in a marriage we had plenty of money and yet I still had to explain every dollar I spent, as should any wife as well.

if that sounded like marriage advice I didn't mean it that way, ijs Originally Posted by BBWrider
I think that's the ideal way to do it from the get-go, but if you suggest that now, I guarantee she will assume you are cheating.