Dallas help

Dallas friends, I need your help! I have always wanted to visit Dallas, and with me being close, I think it's about that time. Unfortunately I know jack shit about Dallas! A little help please?

What areas do you find safe, most accessible and provider friendly? I would really like to take a day just to see the city as well, so if there are any great tourist spots you'd recommend (or anyone who'd like to play tour guide lol) I'd appreciate it!

Where do you mainly search when looking for quality companionship? It seems like this may be the most active site in your area. Any and all information is helpful! PLEASE DO NOT SHARE SPECIFIC HOTEL INFORMATION ON THIS POST! If there is a favorite hotel you enjoy please feel free to send me a PM.

Miss Allison 48J
TinMan's Avatar
The ladies-only area would probably be a great place to ask this question, and perhaps get specific hotel information in a safer environment.
True. Posting in the ladies forum can't hurt. In my personal experience I find the gents in visiting cities to be more open with information than the ladies, so I posted it here where both ladies and gents can see...just in case! So far I have gotten a few GREAT pms from some Dallas gents.
Leftlink's Avatar
Holly fucking tits Batman!����