Quitting the hobby?

Man, I've considered quitting the hobby but the pussy is just too good. I mean I hit some dry spells on the home front. As a matter of fact my SO of 22 years told me she wasn't interested right now. I'm like WTF? She's not cheating, I know. She just loves to fucking read. Anyway, just realized I've been Doing this for over ten years. Some good times some not so good times. Either way, I take care of the Homefront but love the hobby!

Sitting outside right now with a cold beer and a nice cigar thinking about all you lovely providers! Here's to you! Thank you!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Jus' keep away frum tryin' ta pick up hoogars on tha street. If'n tha cops see ya, they might thinck yer a rogue Uber driver tryin' ta give her a ride an' give ya a ticket if'n yew ain't had a fingerprint background check!
mrredcat43's Avatar
Check out my signature line. Total opposites, one I wanted to quit, and the other brought me back.
Man, I've considered quitting the hobby but the pussy is just too good. I mean I hit some dry spells on the home front. As a matter of fact my SO of 22 years told me she wasn't interested right now. I'm like WTF? She's not cheating, I know. She just loves to fucking read. Anyway, just realized I've been Doing this for over ten years. Some good times some not so good times. Either way, I take care of the Homefront but love the hobby!

Sitting outside right now with a cold beer and a nice cigar thinking about all you lovely providers! Here's to you! Thank you!! Originally Posted by Tpcgolfer
Are you hobbying because she refuses to give it up or is she refusing to give it up because she knows you're cheating?
derek303's Avatar
I remember some line in a movie. It went something like this. "You've been happily married for 50 years. How did you do it?" Answer from the guy "I cheat." As bad as this sounds it helps not feeling trapped and miserable. Most all of us in a relationship feel that way time to time. And in most cases about twice a year ready to 'pull the plug." A lot of us are the bread winners and have lazy wives that like to bust our balls and complain. It's the only way to get back and still have an SO.
If you think 10 years of hobbying has nothing to do with your wife's preference for "reading" at this point, even if she has no idea, you should probably reexamine that assumption.
nuglet's Avatar
I know you've heard this before, but if you treat your wife like a new girlfriend, you'll have a NEW GIRLFRIEND. Complacency is the undertaker of most marriages.
A wife's job isn't putting out, just as a husband's job isn't to make all the money. That's this world (the hobby). Read some goddamn Buber if you (not you specifically, just you know, second person voice) want to figure out being a supportive partner, not an emotionally controlling louse.

Sure, many people disagree, but those people don't know what the fuck is up. Those who do are better lovers than you (again, second person), so their wives get aroused and put out. Or not, sexual appetite is variable. But being angry at your life partner for not putting out when s/he doesn't want to but will out of sheer duty is uh...not surprising. I've met men.
  • Logic
  • 05-16-2016, 11:46 AM
You are 100 percent correct jenn. It's not a wife's job to put out. It's yalls job. Here is to you!!!!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
"I talk like a guy who eats his young and disrespects my wife on a public board BUT WHY WONT SHE SUCK MY DICK!!!!"

Somebody call the Waaaaaahhhmbulance. Jesus Christ.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-16-2016, 12:14 PM
When the SO decides to remove the sex from the equasion, then you are well within your rights to seek it elsewhere.

Honestly if it happened to me I would be considering moving on. (Knowing full well that many are tied to these old worn out anchors due to financial or family consideration).

Its RARELY fixed by adding a bit of romance back into it...and its naive to even suggest thats a fool proof solution.

Id have an honest communication along the lines of "I have needs"...then listen and see if she has any interest at all in adding a spark...my guess is she simply intends to take you for granted or fleece you in a breakup

Ho's are evil that way.
You either get it or you don't. I'd take this to the gender theory woke forums, but preaching to the choir isn't as useful as dragging a 7ft wooden cross down Ben White in the TX heat. And I get that this exercise is as fruitless as just that...so uh, peace out, I guess.
Ok, I've pondered it. I'm done, finished, it's over for me. Via con Dios, hobby. I'm working on my golf game and will be ready for the Champions Tour. Gonna chase that little white ball. Thanks for chiming in. It's been fun.

Take care!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-16-2016, 05:53 PM
Ok, I've pondered it. I'm done, finished, it's over for me. Via con Dios, hobby. I'm working on my golf game and will be ready for the Champions Tour. Gonna chase that little white ball. Thanks for chiming in. It's been fun.

Take care! Originally Posted by Tpcgolfer
See you next year, Tincup!
playingnthedark's Avatar
Never say good-bye.....................just go.