Funny music videos or music clips from movies

Today has totally sucked and I needed a good laugh.
This clip of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson singing
You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)
Always has me LMAO by the end of it so I thought I would post it for others who need a good laugh today.
Anybody got others to share/
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-23-2014, 07:32 PM
My personal fave has to be Memphis Black and Smokeahontas jones. Two hookers who make hoe jams. This one is funny and has some truth to it

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Lol Great clips guys!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Today has totally sucked and I needed a good laugh.
This clip of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson singing
You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)
Always has me LMAO by the end of it so I thought I would post it for others who need a good laugh today.
Anybody got others to share/ Originally Posted by looking2havefun
I hope your day got better sweetie!
Today has totally sucked and I needed a good laugh.
This clip of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson singing
You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)
Always has me LMAO by the end of it so I thought I would post it for others who need a good laugh today.
Anybody got others to share/ Originally Posted by looking2havefun
Not quite music but I hope you enjoy.

I've been watching these Online skits from Reckless Tortuga for years always make me smile. I didn't link them but the Reckless Tortuga Psycho Girlfriend clips are hilarious.

Crazy College Roommate:

The IT Guy:

Racism in America – The Job Interview:

This Herbie Hancock video makes me happy: