WTF were you thinking?!

If I send you a video link, information about said video, etc, that means that I have pre-screened/screened/vetted you. If I wanted everyone to know about said information, talked about in private forums, etc, it would be posted on my fucking showcase! But it's not, so why the fuck are you posting about it? It doesn't matter if it's in the men's lounge or private tags, because guess what? Ex-husbands have access to that shit and that custody case that we worked so hard to sort out - your dumbass just fucked it all up.

This shit has happened to me three fucking times in six fucking months. Jesus Christ, THINK before you type!

You guys are so fucking worried about being outed, and yet some of you fail to think about outing providers. Y'all wonder why women think men are dumb?! This is why!!

If anyone needs me, it'll have to wait until my Xanax has kicked in. Fuck. In the meantime, feel free to leave wine and chocolate at my door.
You sound upset.
I don't understand.

Why are you putting any info out there that could be seen by said husband? Sounds like an unnecessary risk.
Bobave's Avatar

Why are you putting any info out there that could be seen by said husband? Sounds like an unnecessary risk. Originally Posted by #Gatsby
Agreed. Considering that this has happened 3X within 6 months... if I were you, I'd stop being so generous with that kind of display. Those guys surely didn't help the matter, but YOU were the one jeopardizing a custody issue by needlessly sharing info at a sensitive time. Sorry if it seems like piling on, but doesn't sound like you've learned from the experience.
I give the link to gentleman who are screened/vetted, because it shows me, whereas my showcase doesn't show much. It works great up until I run into a dumbass who doesn't fucking think before posting. Maybe I should be posting alerts on said dumbasses...?
I agree with Claire on this one. Why would this dumbass share what is obviously private information (info shared in confidence) in a public forum for other hobbyists? If she wanted it shared, wouldn't she put it in her tagline / showcase, etc? Clearly there is a reason why her showcase photos are what they are. C'mon guys -- some common sense please.
From now on, when I send the link, I will add: this information is private and not to be shared and/or posted ANYWHERE, lest I have to punch you in your goddam throat.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-24-2014, 03:24 PM
From now on, when I send the link, I will add: this information is private and not to be shared and/or posted ANYWHERE, lest I have to punch you in your goddam throat. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I'd suggest omitting the threat of violence...I'm sure there are those out there who's dream kink is "to be punched in the throat by an angry hoogar".

Just sayin'.
Truly sorry that happened - it really sucks when stuff effects how much you can see your kids.

But I gotta forwarded me a video link in response to an ISO even though we've never met (guess I was part of the pre-screened group?). It was a piece of a nationally televised program, so like, EVERYONE who has a cable subscription could have seen it on its air date or later on that channel's re-runs, or even OnDemand/Netflix/YouTube, etc.

I didn't forward it to anyone (thank goodness knowing how you feel about it now) but it would have never occurred to me that you would consider something so public to be private. Am I missing something here? If the show gets syndicated it could be available to the public for a very long time. Or perhaps you are referring to a sex clip or something else?

Regardless, sorry to hear that it caused you RW problems.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-24-2014, 04:00 PM
From now on, when I send the link, I will add: this information is private and not to be shared and/or posted ANYWHERE Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Honestly, that wouldn't make any difference. It will still get posted and shared privately. You ladies need to remember that stuff posted on the Internet is forever......

  • g1102
  • 03-24-2014, 04:47 PM
Honestly, that wouldn't make any difference. It will still get posted and shared privately. You ladies need to remember that stuff posted on the Internet is forever......

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by ztonk
Just curious if you would have the same opinion if it was an in call location that was posted or if a provider posted a clients real name? And what the heck is with the private tags and adding fule to a fire?
You want me to maybe you know wack this frikin rat or somethin. Furget bout it.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
From now on, when I send the link, I will add: this information is private and not to be shared and/or posted ANYWHERE, lest I have to punch you in your goddam throat. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Look sugarslit, yer always gonna have sum fellers not keepin' stuff private. Ah know cuz Ah dun a sim'ler thang a while back in my Senate race. Ah toldt folks Ah wuz in tha CIA.

Well, them bozos in Langley got thar panties in a wad, tellin' meh, "WTF! Why yew tellin' e'erybody about workin' fer us an' a-blowin' yer cover?"

So, Ah sez, "How the hell tha voters gonna know how much uva bad-ass secret agent Ah am if'n Ah don't tell'em thet I'm a goldurn bad-ass secret fuckin' agent, muthafucka!"

Ah reckon Ah pissed 'em off real bad. Thet's why Ah'm figger they rigged tha 'lection to let that muthafuckin' Cuban-commie jizz-guzzlin' sleeper-agent Ted Cruz win. SONUVABITCH!
Whispers's Avatar
If I send you a video link, information about said video, etc, that means that I have pre-screened/screened/vetted you. If I wanted everyone to know about said information, talked about in private forums, etc, it would be posted on my fucking showcase! But it's not, so why the fuck are you posting about it? It doesn't matter if it's in the men's lounge or private tags, because guess what? Ex-husbands have access to that shit and that custody case that we worked so hard to sort out - your dumbass just fucked it all up.

Sorry that happened to you

BUT.... How is it you KNOW what is in the Men's Locker Room and considering you have been around long enough... why would you openly post this? It's almost always a man.... YES the guy that is sharing PM/Email contents is wrong.

But for some of us. The bigger wrong is someone telling you and you posting that you are aware of it.
Provider did this in San Antonio a couple of days ago and is banned now

This shit has happened to me three fucking times in six fucking months. Jesus Christ, THINK before you type!

You guys are so fucking worried about being outed, and yet some of you fail to think about outing providers. Y'all wonder why women think men are dumb?! This is why!!

If anyone needs me, it'll have to wait until my Xanax has kicked in. Fuck. In the meantime, feel free to leave wine and chocolate at my door. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I hope you have a prescription for that XANAX.... Because

a) you are in a child custody battle and are providing.....
b) you openly admit knowledge of the video and that it is you.
c)Admitting it is you , all dependability is lost
d)You then allude to taking a medication that is highly abused.

3rd time?

I can't imagine why you insist on posting and being the subject of conversation with so much to lose. I think this post does more damage to you that the may of.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-24-2014, 05:58 PM
Just curious if you would have the same opinion if it was an in call location that was posted or if a provider posted a clients real name? Originally Posted by g1102
I think the past actions of your local moderator staff clearly shows we have done the same things in those cases as well.
