Have you been getting harrassing texts???

I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place.

Some guy, I'm guessing, has been texting me saying really awful things to me, saying he's going to write a review on me and I have no idea who it is. He has a Dallas area code, and I'm not even in Dallas right now. I know I haven't seen him because his number isn't saved. He's saying I'm in the KKK and other awful things about me personally. Just wanted to vent I guess. Idk what to do...what if he does write a review saying the same awful things he says to me?? I haven't even replied to him and he is constantly sending texts.

If you ladies want the number to watch out for, PM me.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your troubles, babe, but this post should probably go in the alerts section.

Assuming you do not want to change your number, I would advise just to simply ignore the fool, do not respond in any way and do not let him rattle you.

. . . That is his goal.

Ohhh...I'll post it there, thanks. I haven't responded. It is been going on for 5 hours now. Ridiculous.
You can block his number so it will not allow anything thru. You wil not even be aware of what he is sending.
burkalini's Avatar
Harassing texts are bad. I'm sorry you are getting them. I am wondering though your review says you used fake pics on your ad. Any reason for this?
pyramider's Avatar
I only get harassing texts from my office. It is really beginning to irritate me.
I do not have fake pics darling. Come see for yourself
rogerdodger's Avatar
in many cases - someone can get a cell number from any area code - so this might not be a local person.