home made leves - mississippi - yahoo river

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
check this out. home made levees at the yahoo river area

I gotta a feeling you mean the Yazoo rather than the Yahoo river.

None the less, pretty wicked pictures
I saw some aerial footage of the homemade levees. Unless the river rises to high, looks like they may have it beat! Good for them for trying their darnedest to save what they have worked to hard for! My prayers go out to all effected by the flooding.....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I thought the pics of home made levees were awesome.

one of the house didn't quite make it.
It's a lot cheaper to build a dirt levee than a new home, some of those houses are huge mansion's.
I live along the Sabine River near Orange Tx. that seems to flood every ten or so years. My home is on high enough elevation that I never have to worry about it, but I have witnessed the flood many times over the years.
A few years ago, I noticed that a guy had purchased a really nice home in the area that had flooded on a few occasions. Just shortly after purchasing it, we got another flood. Instead of using sandbags like everyone else, he constructed a barrier made from used sheet metal roofing. He simply went around his home with a bunch of old fence posts, landscape timbers and whatever he could get his hands on to support the sheet metal. He buried the sheet metal a few inches in the soil, then screwed them on to the secured posts. He then caulked all the old holes and seams. It only took him and a friend about one day to complete this. It looked like shit, and I doubted it would hold. He held off almost 4 feet of water!
He did have to run pumps occasionally, but you have to do that with traditional sandbags as well. But, I'll be damned if it didn't work as well as anything I had ever seen.
On another note, he took it all back down after the flood by himself in about half an afternoon. I have learned one thing from observing floods over the years, it's not unusual for friends to show up and help you sandbag your home. It is very unusual to get any help getting rid of the thousands of sandbags after the flood. The real work is tearing down the sandbags and getting your yard back in nice shape.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
not only did mis-spell levees, I even got the name of the river wrong, yahoo instead of yazoo.

I deserved to be spanked. so, I stand spanked and corrected.