Faithless electors...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm sure that between the threats and payoffs by Soros some of the Trump electors will bail, but how many. Not enough to change the outcome but what do you think?
well if they hold themselves to be honorable people, they will vote the way they are suppose to, but if their like some of the whiners we have in the forum they will take the money
pyramider's Avatar
Some states have severe penalties if the electors change their votes.
That's true, but unfortunately some of them don't ..... which means they don't have to abide by the will of the voters in their states ..... that loophole in the Electoral College needs to be fixed ..... by law if necessary .....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When will people learn that everything is not predictable.
I'm sure that between the threats and payoffs by Soros some of the Trump electors will bail, but how many. Not enough to change the outcome but what do you think? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Those who cave, and survive their decision, had better be prepared to talk in a falsetto voice for the rest of their lives ! Reckon they'll be able to hit high notes that'd make Freddie Mercury applaud !
LexusLover's Avatar
When will people learn that everything is not predictable. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This particular issue is. The Liberals of the Democratic Party are creating an irreparable bleeding injury to the Party .... they have tolerated lawlessness since the election results were announced and HillaryNoMore gave her concession "speech" of "unity" and she, with the backing of the "establishment crowd" in the Party are about to embark upon a dead-end venture like Gore.

This has consequences if thrown carelessly:

... but poor judgment has been the standard for her and Obaminable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, it's almost game day (Monday, 19 December) and how are we doing? Right now it looks like I will be right again. A few, not many, will become faithless electors but not nearly enough to change the outcome of the election. So what's next for the mentally insane left? The celebrities are coming out of the closet, threats are being made, and actions are being promised. This will fail.

So what can we look forward to after the ballots have been cast but before they are counted? More protests, more scathing opinion pieces to change what can no longer be changed by the ballot? Is it possible that someone on the left will decide to go postal? After all, they have made this all about morality and not an election. They would be heroes if they went after Trump and not villians. Just imagine some C list celebrity going for it. Ooh, that'd make the history books. We still haven't forgotten the last actor that tried to "save" the country that night in Ford's Theater in Washington DC.
love2fishfork's Avatar
Just wondering - if George Soros gives 37 electors 1 million dollars each to flip their vote, that's pocket change for him. For an elector it would be hard to turn that down! Scares the shit out of me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just wondering - if George Soros gives 37 electors 1 million dollars each to flip their vote, that's pocket change for him. For an elector it would be hard to turn that down! Scares the shit out of me. Originally Posted by love2fishfork
IMO once they were selected to be an "Elector" they became a Public Official .. even "conspiracy" to bribe a Public Official is a Federal crime and the receipt of a bribe by a Public Official is a Federal crime (unless of course one is a Clinton).

37 Electors would equal to at least 74 counts in a Federal indictment against Little George ... plus 37 Electors with 2 counts each. That number of convictions and the amount of money received would not "look favorable" in a Federal Pre-sentence memorandum.

A State conviction would not be prohibited by a Federal conviction or vice versa.

For risking their lives for all practical purposes for HillaryNoMore seems doubtful when the House will overturn their change of vote, since they did so in violation of state law and/or in violation of their sworn oath of "public office" that amounts to fraud (they knew Trump was the candidate when selected)! (FYI to anyone: Contrary to Comey's bullshit about the Clintons "intent" can (and usually is) proven by circumstantial evidence.)

I suppose that if such an effort were to have been made by Little George or anyone else there would have been some Electors contacted who declined the offer out of integrity (or fear) and who would report it to the news media ... just like some are doing now regarding the hate mail, threats of violence by electronic communications, and at least in one instance being dragged out of a vehicle and beaten. It's 24 hours before reporting and we've not heard about it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
If it happens it will then go to the House to decide.

Then guess what?
LexusLover's Avatar
If it happens it will then go to the House to decide.

Then guess what? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Soros just pissed off $37 million and risked going to prison along with a "BIG FAT FINE" ...

.... FOR NOTHING!!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Did anyone see Hot Lips Houlihan (Loretta Swit) in that Hollywood ad begging the electors to change their votes? That bitch is scary-looking! She should do PSA ads against plastic surgery!
LexusLover's Avatar
Did anyone see Hot Lips Houlihan (Loretta Swit) .... Originally Posted by lustylad
Stretched Lips .... Assup Disease.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If Soros was going to offer a bribe then it would be very difficult to detect. We're talking about a coup and treason at this point. Not just plain old bribery. No, it would be concealed, delayed, given to a third party, or even darker, maybe a threat against life, limb, and family. Soros publicly said that he likes to play god and that he owns the democrat party. A perfect storm for both his ambition and his entertainment. He could watch from outside the country like Mussolini did until the right person is in power.