THANKS Uni-Party!

Best Christmas Ever! Thanks Sundance!

The Long Road To Christmas 2016…

Posted on December 24, 2016 by sundance

Reflecting on the road traveled, it is important to say:“Thank You”…

Thank You to Chris McDaniel for being one of the first, perhaps the most important, to charge across the open field and force the enemy to show themselves.

Without McDaniel’s efforts in the spring and summer of 2014 we would never have known what hidden armory the opposition held and what lengths they would go to use them.

Thanks to Mitch Tyner for his steadfast support of McDaniel, and for understanding the longer game, once the discoveries were made.

Two years later Tyner made it possible for us to see, when affirmation was needed most, that candidate Donald Trump was also well aware of the long game – and the opposition.

mitch tyner trump mississippi rally

There were many concerned supporters at the time who were not quite sure if candidate Donald Trump knew the shameful-7 construct of the Decepticons. Seeing Tyner amid that January audience reassured a lot of people, myself included, that Trump knew full well who he was facing. When we saw you, we knew – and more importantly we knew, Trump knew. Thank you for that.

Thank you to all of the Professionally Republican politicians who attended the August 2013 meeting of party leadership in Boston Massachusetts. It was only when you came together we were able to identify the various factions. Understanding the nature of those relationships was critical to in the consequential years that followed.

Thank you to the Republican Rules Committee and all those who attended the Winter (January 2014) meeting in Washington DC. Had your discussions lacked the specificity needed we would never have been able to understand the GOPe road map to fully support Jeb Bush that was deployed later in the year.

Thank you to those insufferable Professional Republicans who transmit their every move as if the world was dependent on their existence. Were it not for your egos and broadcast self-important social media messages it would have been much more challenging to identify intent and motivation.

A very special Thank You to the bartenders, wait staff, concierge service teams, and especially the valets. Without your notes, emails, insights and quick tips we could never have finished the final assembly of the necessary tripwires; nor could we ever have assembled a strategy to defeat such a Machiavellian scheme.

Thank you to the craftsmen and tradespeople who set up the larger venues and remained on site to provided invaluable information about the meetings.

A very important Thank You to Lindsey Graham, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and George Pataki. It was your 2015 entry into the Presidential Primary that triggered the most critical tripwires and solidified our understanding of the Wall Street – K Street- Chamber of Commerce – GOPe professionally republican plan.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets a supporter following her address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University in New York

Thanks to Fiorina, Graham, Kasich and Pataki. It was only when this field was fully assembled, and we could compare the historic notes and their conversations from the year prior, that all the important pieces of the puzzle (the understanding) fell neatly into place.

Thank You Jeb Bush for being such a weakly supported next-in-line candidate. Trump’s success is due in part to Bush’s need for an entire party road-map to try and prop him up and provide any hope of success. Without Jeb the pathetic scope of the GOPe would have been kept less visible. It is stunning, even now, to think about how far the party apparatus was willing to go in their efforts to support a Bush legacy.

Thank You to all the #NeverTrump Republicans who surfaced after June 2015 and finally exposed themselves as the duplicitous schemers we always knew them to be; hence our purposeful self-identification: “The Last Refuge”.

Thank You to all the “conservatives” in the media, who fully outed themselves as mere financial political pawns and controlled UniParty opposition. It took decades for you to burrow into the body politic; you spent years gaslighting the conservative electorate; and yet it took only a few months for you to become fully exposed.

No other candidate other than a fully outside, financially independent and non corrupt patriot like Donald Trump could have created such instantaneous exposure. The entire spectrum of political media -both sides of the aisle- have cast themselves into the pit of irrelevance and will never again be looked upon with any credibility. A BIG Thank You for that.

It has been a long road to Christmas 2016, and there is so much to be thankful for.

It was the Best Election Ever…

…and as a direct result, the Best Political Christmas Ever.


A special thanks also to the so called "conservative pundits", such as George Will and Bill Kristol, who were SO appalled that the likes of President Elect Trump could garner such support among the American Voters.

They were against him until the end. They pulled out every stop.

And along itch every Katy Perry concert, Beyoncé ass shake, and Hollywood elites making commercials, every time the expounded their disbelief in a national forum, another County, and even State, turned Red.
Hopefully Whirly still lurks. Thanks Whirly, you opened my eyes!

LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of "eyes" .... a large segment of the voters are still looking through tear filled eyes with the blurry vision created by the likes of Gruber! A fact: The polls were wrong! Get over it.
I dare say I was the first in this forum to speak of trump, in an approving manner, as potentially the president

if I wasn't the first, I am unaware of another
LexusLover's Avatar
I dare say I was the first in this forum to speak of trump, in an approving manner, as potentially the president

if I wasn't the first, I am unaware of another Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I suppose it depends on the perspective and wording of the post.

06-01-2016, 08:10 AM …. Post #7:
MSNBC All In Pushing 3d Party Run in the Political Forum

“Any polls have to be suspect these days.

”It has to do with the "sample" selection + the questions + the one asking the questions!”

Several factors are dismissed, most especially with regard to Obaminable's alleged "popularity" polling results ..... the same remark:

”It has to do with the "sample" selection + the questions + the one asking the questions!”

Many people after the "experiences" of 2008 simply agreed for the sake of agreeing, because they didn't want to be called a "racist" ... same today.

With respect to Clinton there was an additional factor that was IGNORED, on here as well: The name identification factor, which she attempted to use when she announced "Bill was handling domestic policy"!

In June 2015 I posted in response to the following exchange:

Originally Posted by gfejunkie So far I've agreed with everything Trump has said.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy For the most part, I do, too.
Originally Posted by LexusLover: "If you are agreeing with the above quoted statement, I suspect that a majority of the LEGAL voters of this country agree with his goals as well."
"Unfortunately, most, if not all of them, will require Congressional approval.

"His prospects of winning are not good, and if he happened to win, getting Congress on board with his goals would be even more challenging."
The WAR is just beginning my Brothers! Fuckem...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so Chris McDaniels senate race in 2014 was key in defeating the establishment candidates.

that year there was a major pushback against the tea party by establishment.

they freaked out when McDaniels made the runoff.

a number of players were exposed after what they did during the runoff race.

I wouldn't have made the connection to the 2016 race
LexusLover's Avatar
People can make connections to laying the ground work for the results in 2016 back to 1992. Speculating about the cause and effect and attempting to enshrine a particular person or movement is problematic. We just finished (well almost) two terms of an unfit President, who couldn't run a one-car funeral and never did, who based his candidacy and presence on the same flimsy bullshit that got him into Harvard, which was nothing more than "affirmative action" at its worst by playing the race card, which he is still doing....along with his "lovely spouse." And he still believes the polls.