Trump’s New York Co-Chair Says Michelle Obama Is A Man Who Should Live In Africa With Gorillas

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I do hope Trump's close associates and friends continuing speaking this way for the record books. I actually don't want them to stop as we really do need this type of hate and anger for our future strategic purposes. Goes to show we are right about Trump and his basket of deplorables; there is no limit for these God fearing Jesus loving Christians. I'm sure God has a special place for these people along with Hitler and other mass murders just to the right of his glorious throne.

The New York co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign made racist and sexist comments about first lady Michelle Obama in a recent interview, suggesting that she was really a man and should live in Africa.

In an interview with ArtVoice published Friday, Carl Paladino said that in 2017 the thing he would most like to see go away was Michelle Obama

“I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla,” he said.

Asked what he would like to see happen in 2017, Paladino wished death on President Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s senior advisers.

“Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford [sic]. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret [sic], who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady [sic] cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her,” Paladino said.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
now can I get an Amen from you Trump voters? I know this warms your hearts. Please one at a time don't trip over each other in agreement with this guy.
  • DSK
  • 12-25-2016, 11:53 AM
now can I get an Amen from you Trump voters? I know this warms your hearts. Please one at a time don't trip over each other in agreement with this guy. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I don't think it is any worse than saying Mr. Trump has sex with his daughter, and certainly doesn't rise to the level of Hitler's crimes.
now can I get an Amen from you Trump voters? I know this warms your hearts. Please one at a time don't trip over each other in agreement with this guy. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Lemme AXE you a question. Do it be ARRR-RIGHT fo odummer's fen and pastor " Reverend " Wright to do his GD America speeches and fo odummer to deny that he even attended services at the race-baiters church ? I'm jus AXING !
Mebbe you should AXE those animal rights people if it wouldn't be punishment and maybe even illegal for MOOCHelle to " cohabitate " wit dat gorrllia !
LexusLover's Avatar
Lemme AXE you a question. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I gots one ....

.. Who gives a rat's ass?

Michelle Obaminable is hopelessly a waste of time. Oprey wasted hers too.

Does anyone watch Oprey any more?
chicagoboy's Avatar
What's Paladino got against Maxie the Gorilla?
I do hope Trump's close associates and friends continuing speaking this way for the record books. I actually don't want them to stop as we really do need this type of hate and anger for our future strategic purposes. Goes to show we are right about Trump and his basket of deplorables; there is no limit for these God fearing Jesus loving Christians. I'm sure God has a special place for these people along with Hitler and other mass murders just to the right of his glorious throne. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Mathematically Michael, I mean Michelle is a man. Can't dispute that.

Next the 0zombie Royalty can take A Walk On The Irrelevant Side...

People on the left made fun of Palin's son for having Down syndrome but they get all pissed off when cunt Michelle is called a man or a gorilla.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Our resident cunt is Fisting Chaps, aka WeeEndowed. A harmless, yet incredibly stupid person of questionable gender identity.
Our resident cunt is Fisting Chaps, aka WeeEndowed. A harmless, yet incredibly stupid person of questionable gender identity. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-26-2016, 07:30 AM
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't think it is any worse than saying Mr. Trump has sex with his daughter, and certainly doesn't rise to the level of Hitler's crimes. Originally Posted by DSK

Should I post the audio and video of him admiring how hot she is and saying he wished he could have her? Instead why don't I just bump my old thread.

Your attempt at a false equivalency is in a word. Amusing
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
ahh all the resident idiots are confirming their deplorable status just as I predicted. Cant keep good ole bigots down now can we. I'm not angry at all I understand it's a mental sickness and like the guy who initially said it you folks just can't help yourselves. That Bible you read must be something special.
bambino's Avatar
I think Moochelle is a fine example of a female Sasquatch.