Swishy walkers favorite singer reported dead

News reports are now saying that George Michael is dead at age 53. He came " out " as a swishy walker some years ago. Guess he pretty much had to after Dire Straits ( the rock group ) mentioned him in their lyrics in the song " Money For Nothing " - little F_____ with the earring and the makeup, little F_____ he's got his own jet airplane, that little F______ he's a millionaire - . Guess assup and EKIM are prolly calling it a short day down at the 'holes to go cry somewhere. Or they could be staying open longer to " commiserate " with the swishy walker buddies . No word yet on what he died from, but prolly (Freddy ) " Mercury poisoning " , the one that claims lots of the fudge packers.
chicagoboy's Avatar
He was very talented, but a real head case.
Let's not ruin the twelve days of Christmas... fuckers

Shit I wish it was Paul McCartney
bambino's Avatar
Didn't LE catch him sucking cock at a rest stop?