Prime Minister of Japan Visits Pearl Harbor

This is a historic occasion. No where else could the greatness of a Country be shown in the way it treated a vanquished enemy than our President standing with the current leader of Japan, honoring the men who died on that infamous Sunday Morning.

I have no idea what Japanese school children are taught about WW-2, the attack on Pearl Harbor in particular. But one thing is an indisputable fact. We took out our vengeance on the Battlefield. When the War was over, we administered Justice to those who were to blame, and then got on with the business of making the World a better place.

Do we need an apology from Japan? I think not. The current population of Japan can no more be blamed for what a previous generation did than I can be blamed for my Grandfather being in the German Army during WW-1.

But respect was shown. Honor was given to those who paid the ultimate price. Prime Minister Abe showed humility and respect owed to such a sacred shrine as they stood before the Battleship Arizona's Memorial.
I though it was a classy move.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. Classy act.
bambino's Avatar
Abe seemed genuine. Obama pontificated as usual.
LexusLover's Avatar
But one thing is an indisputable fact. We took out our vengeance on the Battlefield. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So did they, which was a big part of the decision to bomb them.
As many Japanese tourists that have visited it is about time the leadership showed up.
LexusLover's Avatar
So did they, which was a big part of the decision to bomb them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My Dad was in the 2nd Marine landing at Tarawa.

So was Eddie Albert ... Navy.... he saved a lot of Marines.

The Japanese were fiercely dedicated in their resistance.