Today is Bobby Seale National STFU Day

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No topic comes up more in correspondence from members than what to do and what not to do during a contact with LE. My basic advice has been STFU - that is, Shut The Fuck Up, or use your constitutional right to remain silent.

I wrote in this thread:

"I've been stopped by a cop. What do I do now? STFU!"

...that as a reminder to STFU, December 16 would henceforth be Bobby Seale National STFU Day, after the great advocate of freedom and Dallas native Bobby Seale, and "to do a Bobby Seale" means to STFU.

So I wish a Very Merry Bobby Seale National STFU Day to all the boys and girls here. Don't celebrate it with me with a moment of silence -- try a lifetime of silence.
I don't think he is famous for STFU.....

he was bound and gagged at one of his trials ;>)

but,you go ahead and memorialize this murderer
and the recipient of America's 2nd lowest military award,
The Bad Conduct Discharge (FELONY)

His biography makes him out to be a punk....
Felony conviction for insubordination and AWOL
from the sissy-assed,no discipline Air Force....
Also,he "HAD" his wife's lover killed,instead of doing it,himself

His Father and Mother should be honored,for leaving Dallas,
(and moving to California) in an effort to "better" themselves,
not this gangsta....but,that would not be cool,would it.

while we are at it,let's all get together and immortalize
the commie murderer CHE,also ;>))))

But,what do I know???
My childhood hero was John Wesley Hardin
(killed some sumbitch for snoring too loud)
It is too bad,that liberals did not irritate him.