Kudos to Texas

berryberry's Avatar
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs ‘Save Women’s Sport Act’ . The bill prohibits biological men from competing against women in college sports.

Kudos to Texas for having common sense
Kudos to Riley Gaines for continuing to fight the leftists tranny agenda
berryberry's Avatar
Alas, there are deranged leftist tranny lovers not happy with this outcome.

One innocent woman who was walking through after the bill signing was physically assaulted - including being spit on in the eye - by the "kindness and inclusion crowd" of deranged leftist tranny lovers.


DNinja69's Avatar
Within sports we have a variety of exclusions whether due to weight class, age, and of course gender. I think we need to act in ways to preserve the competitive balance for everyone involved. Unfortunately that is not the only scope of many measures being proposed and those efforts definitely cause emotional responses. Spitting on someone is a heinous act. I do not defend what is shown in the video but I do understand why many in the queer community feel as if they are being spit on and persecuted while the people working against them are cheered on.

When the goal is to remove choices for or attempt to make choices on behalf of adult citizens we need to be mindful of the rights we all share. For anyone interested in more information on what Texas lawmakers have been up to I will share an article from earlier this year.


Our representatives have a duty to step in and provide guidelines in many areas especially those involving our minor children. They also share a great responsibility to ensure that personal choice and liberty is not dictated by political agenda or religious standards.
Iceman's Avatar
Since there are men's and women's classes, create a trans class for them to compete separately in.
berryberry's Avatar
When the goal is to remove choices for or attempt to make choices on behalf of adult citizens we need to be mindful of the rights we all share. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Nice try to deflect on the issue. Alas the article you posted has no relevance to the bill that was passed and is being discussed here in this thread.

So my question for you - does your "being mindful of the rights we all share" include the right for a male pretending to be a women to compete in women's sports?

Because that is all this bill does. Ensures fair competition and protects women's rights

Senate Bill 15 prohibits a biological male from competing in a college-level athletic competition designated for a biological female athlete to maintain competitive fairness. The bill also creates a mechanism for people to seek injunctive relief against a Texas public college or university or intercollegiate athletic team if it violates the provisions of the bill.
Some of you might find this hard to believe, but I agree that trans folk should not be allowed to compete against their opposite birth sex in sports, or any other field, and expect to be treated as equal.

That's where the far left loses me. If you want a sex change, go ahead, but don't expect to be treated equally when you get to the other side. Also, there are only two sides.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-08-2023, 10:01 AM
Some of you might find this hard to believe, but I agree that trans folk should not be allowed to compete against their opposite birth sex in sports, or any other field, and expect to be treated as equal.

That's where the far left loses me. If you want a sex change, go ahead, but don't expect to be treated equally when you get to the other side. Also, there are only two sides. Originally Posted by tommy156
Well, make that statement in the wrong crowd, then expect to spit upon.

A girl I went to school with, was all pussy hats, and protests right up until she went to a pride rally with a Jewish pride flag.

She's Jewish, you see.

She was told to NOT fly her Jewish Freak Flag, because it may offend their new protester friends, the Muslims.

No matter how far you go to support your brethren, they will cut your dick off and shove it down your throat, because they are so "Tolerant".

But, its good to see you admit the insanity has a stopping point, because as it is now, nobody has drawn a line.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-08-2023, 10:09 AM
"When the goal is to remove choices for or attempt to make choices on behalf of adult citizens we need to be mindful of the rights we all share. For anyone interested in more information on what Texas lawmakers have been up to I will share an article from earlier this year."

Great quote, a sub 21 year old customer came in to pickup a rifle, and, he now faces up to a 10 DAY WAIT, because he's not old enough to buy a gun without a waiting period.

He's an adult, he can go to Afghanistan, and be killed by a suicide bomber if our inept President orders it, but, he can't walk in and express a god given CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT, without a speculum up his ass for a week and a half.

Your statement is very nice sounding on paper, yet, its clear our government has an agenda to hand out rights to trans athletes, and oppress the rights of female athletes, just like they are doing with gun purchases for sub 21 year olds.

As with the recently ended Affirmative action college admissions, benefit one group, you penalize another.

Same with TV ads, imagine being a white male actor today, no work, unless your are portrayed as a simpleton cuckold, while, you can't hire enough black males, white women as their partners, along with biracial kids.

The only group I still see limited, in those ads, are Asians, its pretty much OK for everybody to hate them, because they are generally smart and successful.

Wonderful rhetoric abounds, while rights and common sense are ignored.
Well, make that statement in the wrong crowd, then expect to spit upon.

A girl I went to school with, was all pussy hats, and protests right up until she went to a pride rally with a Jewish pride flag.

She's Jewish, you see.

She was told to NOT fly her Jewish Freak Flag, because it may offend their new protester friends, the Muslims.

No matter how far you go to support your brethren, they will cut your dick off and shove it down your throat, because they are so "Tolerant".

But, its good to see you admit the insanity has a stopping point, because as it is now, nobody has drawn a line. Originally Posted by Devo
The extreme far left sucks as bad as the extreme far right. The problem these days is the far right actually has power and representation in government.
chizzy's Avatar
The extreme far left sucks as bad as the extreme far right. The problem these days is the far right actually has power and representation in government. Originally Posted by tommy156
what planet are you on??? biden is far left and the senate is controlled by the dems

my math skills say its 2 to 1
HDGristle's Avatar
Biden's substantially right of far left. Far, far closer to moderate than lefty zealot. Historically and in the current contemporaneous political environment.
berryberry's Avatar
what planet are you on??? biden is far left and the senate is controlled by the dems

my math skills say its 2 to 1 Originally Posted by chizzy
Indeed Chizzy, indeed

Senile Biden and his puppet masters are very far left. As are most of the dems in Congress. The days of the blue dog dems are long gone - there are a small amount of token ones in name left. A true moderate Dem is nearly impossible to find (unless you want to count the ones masquerading as RINOs)

Just look at how Senile Biden and his fellow leftists continue to push their deranged tranny agenda on the country and in particular harming women in the process. That is why it was great to see this bill passed in Texas.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden's substantially right of far left. Far, far closer to moderate than lefty zealot. Historically and in the current contemporaneous political environment. Originally Posted by HDGristle
That might matter if he was running the country. At this point, he doesn’t have the mental capacity to run a lemonade stand.

Not that I agree with the statement in general. Biden was nothing, not left or right. His entire career, if you can call living off the taxpayer and whatever he could extort a career, he’d say whatever he thought would keep him in office. If he repeated half of his statements from the last 50 years he’d be labeled racist, homophobic, bigoted, yada yada yada. The man has no moral compass, at all. Never has and never will.
what planet are you on??? biden is far left and the senate is controlled by the dems

my math skills say its 2 to 1 Originally Posted by chizzy
Lol. In any world not named MAGA world, Biden is a left-leaning centrist. There are no "far leftists" in the US government, by definition. Those whom some of you are calling "far left" in this country would be considered "moderates" in most other countries. Trust me, you don't want to know what true leftist extremism would look like here.
Biden's substantially right of far left. Far, far closer to moderate than lefty zealot. Historically and in the current contemporaneous political environment. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yep. History shows this to be true. Biden is a left-leaning centrist. Trouble is, the trump cult is now so far to the right, anything resembling centrism seems inconceivable to them.