Another piece of shit white supremacist has been taken into custody

We all know these are the kinds of cretins who love trump and worship at the altar of MAGA, but this is a nice development in truly helping to make America great again. Personally, I hope this deplorable, racist twat rots in prison.

From West Virginia, arrested in Pittsburgh
DNinja69's Avatar
Being a Trump supporter does not equate to making someone a radical racist come on now. From what I have seen this clown is an A-1 piece of shit who deserves a hard dose of Justice whatever his voting habits might be.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll give you 3 guesses who he voted for, and the first 2 don't count.
DNinja69's Avatar
None of them count. Scumbags are not specific to one side or the other.
Oh, but this certain type of scumbag absolutely does. There is zero question as to whose side this guy is on.
You do realize many jewish people voted for & supported Trump as well? As did many other minorities. Trying to paint a politicians' voters as a "type" is childish & pathetic.
Oh, but this certain type of scumbag absolutely does. There is zero question as to whose side this guy is on. Originally Posted by tommy156
You do realize tommy that Jared kushner trumps son in law is a Jew, nevermind the fact that trump would address him as such.
Where is the Jew?
Call the Jew see what he says.
That sort of shit!

Speaking of Jared Kushner.
The real question is not about Hunter Biden, but about Jared K being given 2 billion dollars from the Saudis for financial advice that he's really not qualified to give.
Why, and for what?
Who knows perhaps it was Ivanka doing the giving to the crown prince because he overruled the Saudis board of advisors that did not want to give the money to Kushner!
How peculiar?
And hunter did what?
And here we have a Muslim giving a Jew 2 billion bucks and the Jew happens to be trumps son in law.
And not a word about it.
But no tommy, I don't think that trump would actually approve of what happened here in Pittsburgh.
But the wack job probably did wear a MAGA hat!
Took a little while to get here!
You do realize many jewish people voted for & supported Trump as well? As did many other minorities. Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Yes, people of inferior intelligence vote against their own best interests all the time. I'm not saying all trump voters are racists, but they did vote for a racist. And openly racist people feel right at home (even emboldened) in today's GOP. Those are facts, and sorry/not sorry if the truth hurts.

But any Jews or Latinos who voted for trump obviously aren't too bright. He shit on Latinos every chance he got (throwing out paper towels in Puerto Rico and calling Mexicans "rapists" and "drug dealers" are two examples that come to mind)... and he called the tiki torch "Jews will not replace us" crowd a bunch of "very fine people".

So yeah, I'm sure some of the dumber Jews and Latinos voted for trump. They probably also eat paint chips for breakfast. trump's still a racist piece of shit.
Yes, people of inferior intelligence vote against their own best interests all the time. I'm not saying all trump voters are racists, but they did vote for a racist. And openly racist people feel right at home (even emboldened) in today's GOP. Those are facts, and sorry/not sorry if the truth hurts.

But any Jews or Latinos who voted for trump obviously aren't too bright. He shit on Latinos every chance he got (throwing out paper towels in Puerto Rico and calling Mexicans "rapists" and "drug dealers" are two examples that come to mind)... and he called the tiki torch "Jews will not replace us" crowd a bunch of "very fine people".

So yeah, I'm sure some of the dumber Jews and Latinos voted for trump. They probably also eat paint chips for breakfast. trump's still a racist piece of shit. Originally Posted by tommy156
True that!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yes, people of inferior intelligence vote against their own best interests all the time. I'm not saying all trump voters are racists, but they did vote for a racist. And openly racist people feel right at home (even emboldened) in today's GOP. Those are facts, and sorry/not sorry if the truth hurts.

But any Jews or Latinos who voted for trump obviously aren't too bright. He shit on Latinos every chance he got (throwing out paper towels in Puerto Rico and calling Mexicans "rapists" and "drug dealers" are two examples that come to mind)... and he called the tiki torch "Jews will not replace us" crowd a bunch of "very fine people".

So yeah, I'm sure some of the dumber Jews and Latinos voted for trump. They probably also eat paint chips for breakfast. trump's still a racist piece of shit. Originally Posted by tommy156
That’s one serious fantasy world you’re living in.
That’s one serious fantasy world you’re living in. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I understand. When one believes so many fantasies themselves, the truth does sound foreign.