SPEED senile Joe gets AL Bore's endorement...WTF does Ol'Joe say to him?? Please decipher for us!!

This is only late April and things aren't getting any better for Ol' Joe. Look at the expression on Al Bore's face...like WTF did that senile old man say!!


"The debates ain't going to matter" because NO ONE is going to understand his gobbledygook!! He's leading in the polls SPEED the same polls that ask you are you OK with this country going into financial ruin from a gumment created disaster that it has caused by shutting down all commerce and tells people to sit at home with no way of providing for their families while NAN Antoinette put out a typical elitist video tell everyone to "suck it up buttercup." Ol' Joe and NAN Antoinette a REAL winning combo!!

Joe Biden Talks to Al Gore, Randomly Forgets What He’s Saying and Starts Slurring His Words.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden laughs with audience members during a meeting with local residents, Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, in Emmetsburg, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

If this guy makes it to November, I’ll be shocked. I don’t mean I think he’s going to die or anything, but man is he slipping mentally. I’ve covered some of his recent face plants here and here, but they just keep coming.
The latest comes from a conversation with Al Gore via remote stream. It goes about as badly as you’d expect it would go.


In this clip, we see Biden trying to get a jab in on Trump and he can’t even complete the line. He then randomly shifts to climate change, likely because it was the next thing on his notes in front of him. You can see Al Gore’s eyebrows jump up as Biden seems to just lose his entire train of thought. Worse, the former VP begins to slur his words and becomes unable to form a sentence properly. He calls climate change “the climate change” like it’s some foreign, alien idea.
Everyone should be concerned about this guy’s inability to process his thoughts. He can’t go more than a few minutes speaking off a teleprompter without his mind melting. None of this is normal and anyone pretending otherwise is choosing to gaslight for political reasons. That’s not to say someone can’t believe Biden is still a better choice than Trump (I disagree, but hey, this is America), but there’s certainly no arguing this guy has full control over his mental faculties.
Gore looks like.......”what the Fuck”.

I have said before that Biden is in the first stages of age related dementia. I take that back.

He has moved into stage Two.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
He's at stage three.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
He's at stage three. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
And the Dems are going to nominate this guy?

Or maybe not. I still think the DNC is going to say......”forget about all of that Primary crap. Trump will destroy Biden in the debates. It’s going to be Cuomo and that fat bitch from Georgia”.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-23-2020, 06:04 AM
What about Tranny Obama pairing up with Dementia Joe.
Her claim to fame is fucking up children's lunches at school.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And yet Biden leads Trump in every poll taken and reported the last 2 days:

According to 538:

Trump's approval rating has dropped from -4.1% to -8.9% since April 3rd.

Who would you vote for for president in the general election?:

National: Biden +6, +7, +4.

Michigan: Biden +8 and +8
Pennsylvania: Biden +8 and +6.
Wisconsin: Biden +3
Florida: Biden +4

It doesn't seem like voters are getting the message that Sleepy Joe is mentally unfit to be POTUS. Or maybe voters are just saying Trump is more mentally unfit.

Still a long way to go until election day but right now polls are trending in the wrong direction for Trump.
Run, Joe run...to the memory care unit.
Oilrig's Avatar
Is there really someone so stupid to still believe your polls. Dementia Joe has zero chance of winning and Dems know they better get someone else by NOV

2016 Hillary Wins Big
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Is there really someone so stupid to still believe your polls. Dementia Joe has zero chance of winning and Dems know they better get someone else by NOV

2016 Hillary Wins Big
Originally Posted by Oilrig
Yawn. Hashed and rehashed. Polls in 2016 were mainly correct with polls in a handful of states missing. Polls in 2018 were near perfect. The states of Michigan, Wisconsin, FLorida, and Pennsylvania were won by between .2% and 1.2%.

With 6+ months to go before the election even I do not put to much faith in polls. But I trust them more than the unsubstantiated opinions of mainly Trump supporters on a forum. Such as those who say Biden has a zero chance of winning in November.

The polls are showing a trend opposite to 2016. In 2016 Trump came from behind in the polls to either pull ahead or bring it within a margin of error right before the election. In recent weeks, polls have Trump fading rapidly. As I continue to say, Trump watches these polls on a daily basis and he and his reelection team take action where needed. Trump knows Republicans lost the woman vote in suburbs in 2018, where he scored heavily in 2016, and has made efforts to appeal to those voters. Trump knows he still trails badly with African American voters and Hispanic voters and is making efforts to appeal more to those voters. And Trump knows the 5 or so battleground states that will decide the 2020 election and will focus mainly on them in the months to come.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And the Dems are going to nominate this guy?

Or maybe not. I still think the DNC is going to say......”forget about all of that Primary crap. Trump will destroy Biden in the debates. It’s going to be Cuomo and that fat bitch from Georgia”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Dims have set themselves up for failure. If the DNC had thinned out the primary herd much earlier they could have steered the nomination to a more preferred candidate. But no....
They want the younger of the 2 zombies. Who ends up as vp will be interesting as that person will become prez, as zombies do fall apart, if the Dims take the #1 job.
But, that possibility in itself could cause more Dims to vote against themselves
HoeHummer's Avatar
So hat happens on the off chance that Trump loses? Do yous riot in the streets? Smash your keyboards on the basement floor and pout for the next 20 years? Parade down the streets with confederate flags and poor Hygeine?

Yous are pretty funny.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What about Tranny Obama pairing up with Dementia Joe.
Her claim to fame is fucking up children's lunches at school. Originally Posted by R.M.
Michelle Obamas is a tranny but yous are not?

I finds it ironic that yous would go after her with that attacks, RM!

And... beebsy, yous really built this highly offencive thread out of a Tweet?

Excellent use of the informations technologies. Yous have a bright future, dude.
  • oeb11
  • 04-23-2020, 08:28 AM
Bernie may have withdrawn - but he mae it clear he is not Done.
He is maintaining his candidacy for the DNC convention - unless the DNC finagles a Wuhan virus related non-convention and nominates Dementia Joe by "acclamation".

we shall See!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Bernie may have withdrawn - but he mae it clear he is not Done.
He is maintaining his candidacy for the DNC convention - unless the DNC finagles a Wuhan virus related non-convention and nominates Dementia Joe by "acclamation".

we shall See! Originally Posted by oeb11
We needs a second opinion, faux doc.
And yet Biden leads Trump in every poll taken and reported the last 2 days:

According to 538:

Trump's approval rating has dropped from -4.1% to -8.9% since April 3rd.

Who would you vote for for president in the general election?:

National: Biden +6, +7, +4.

Michigan: Biden +8 and +8
Pennsylvania: Biden +8 and +6.
Wisconsin: Biden +3
Florida: Biden +4

It doesn't seem like voters are getting the message that Sleepy Joe is mentally unfit to be POTUS. Or maybe voters are just saying Trump is more mentally unfit.

Still a long way to go until election day but right now polls are trending in the wrong direction for Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What did bitten say to Al Bore...that WTF look on Al's face was...PRICELESS!!
The debates are going to rival the best slap stick comedy anyone has ever seen!!
But that's right SPEED "the debates aren't going to matter"...BULLSHIT!!
Anyone that would vote for a person that can't string two sentences together doesn't have this country's best interest and doesn't put country above politics...you and NAN Antoinette are perfect examples of fuck the country and embrace socialism...that's some sorry shit.