I do this all the time in front of my sister!

I mean my wife! That lady in the black dress - I'm told she is Biden's wife.

I don't know who the others in the photo are - and I wouldn't be surprised if this is a fake but it is a great photo!

whether fake or not, well done

all but the bottle of booze in biden's coat pocket

and biden''s and his wife's heads do look askew
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 09:16 AM
Funny - and there is real fact behind it
But Photoshopped!
HoeHummer's Avatar
In other words, it’s more bullshit from the possum hunters in the Great White South.
winn dixie's Avatar
In other words, it’s more bullshit from the possum hunters in the Great White South. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
ohh yssup.. yous needs a hug
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 12:50 PM
Nobody would do that voluntarily - as far as hug for Pay - that would be very expensive!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
In other words, it’s more bullshit from the possum hunters in the Great White South. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

yous shit acting up again??? time to go potty!
In other words, it’s more bullshit from the possum hunters in the Great White South. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Do they have possum in Zilker Park?

What about Clarksville?
HoeHummer's Avatar
I’ve been to Austin, Texas. Lovely town. Didn’t make it to Clarkesville, though.

Didn’t see any possums, though I know it’s a tasty treat for the hillbillies down there.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I’ve been to Austin, Texas. Lovely town. Didn’t make it to Clarkesville, though.

Didn’t see any possums, though I know it’s a tasty treat for the hillbillies down there. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

stupid fake canuck... there are no hillbillies in texas... unless you lived in tennessee or kentucky.... you would fucking know.
I’ve been to Austin, Texas. Lovely town. Didn’t make it to Clarkesville, though.

Didn’t see any possums, though I know it’s a tasty treat for the hillbillies down there. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I have to agree with you about Austin, I've always loved the place, though I hated the liberals.

Never eaten possum, though. Killed a few that got into my attic, little bastards can tear shit up.

Don't tell anyone.
  • oeb11
  • 05-04-2020, 05:04 PM
Hey Fred - better to trap the critters - and give them to a bleeding heart Liberal tree hugger to put up safely in their attic - if they have one in their tent under the highway overpass.
They might be neighbors to YR!
Hey Fred - better to trap the critters - and give them to a bleeding heart Liberal tree hugger to put up safely in their attic - if they have one in their tent under the highway overpass.
They might be neighbors to YR! Originally Posted by oeb11
That is a good idea - store possums in liberals attics - let them cause roof damage & tear up the insulation so their house leaks and is cold in the winter.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous crack me up, boys!

But yous should stay on topic, which was.. what was it’s now?
lustylad's Avatar
Was it your crazy uncle joe's habit of groping your sister in front of the Christmas tree?