DNA testing to see if certain people are susceptible

Some fuckers catch COVID-19 and they are fine.

Other people catch it and die.

Admittedly, most are old and fat.

However, what about if certain people have DNA markers & they survive, and other people don't.

Would you want to know?

I hope someone crunches the data.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Wouldn’t that violates your rights to privacy?
Wouldn’t that violates your rights to privacy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Did he say anything at all about making it mandatory?

I didn't think so.

But as to the OP, I'd be interested in the information to be analyzed and then have the choice to decide whether to know or not.
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, according to the OP, if you catch the virus and end up being OK, you're a "fucker", but if you catch it and die from it, well then my my, you're listed among the "people".
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wouldn’t want to know. When your time’s up it’s up, so why have one more stressor.
  • oeb11
  • 05-05-2020, 05:58 PM
ff-that question has been in researchers minds, - but not progress or even active research, to my knowledge.

Wuhan virus does seem to carry a more severe course with older, obese patients, or unlerlying medical issues like lung disease.

No clear genetic susceptibility known to Wuhan or any of the corona virus family.

Good question!!
Did he say anything at all about making it mandatory?

I didn't think so.

But as to the OP, I'd be interested in the information to be analyzed and then have the choice to decide whether to know or not. Originally Posted by eccielover
ff-that question has been in researchers minds, - but not progress or even active research, to my knowledge.

Wuhan virus does seem to carry a more severe course with older, obese patients, or unlerlying medical issues like lung disease.

No clear genetic susceptibility known to Wuhan or any of the corona virus family.

Good question!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Thank you - I hope they continue to study the data.
Wouldn’t that violates your rights to privacy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
A fucker would have to sign a fucking waiver.
I wouldn’t want to know. When your time’s up it’s up, so why have one more stressor. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Go out in a blaze of glory?
  • oeb11
  • 05-05-2020, 06:15 PM
The following is a very bad joke

DPST's and those susceptible to triggered Outrage are advised to go to bed and pull the covers over your head.

Only One way to Die - in bed at age 80 with a belly full of wine and a beautiful woman's lips on my cock!!!
One may come and go simultaneously.

Liberated and paraphrased from Peter Dinklage.
The following is a very bad joke

DPST's and those susceptible to triggered Outrage are advised to go to bed and pull the covers over your head.

Only One way to Die - in bed at age 80 with a belly full of wine and a beautiful woman's lips on my cock!!!
One may come and go simultaneously.

Liberated and paraphrased from Peter Dinklage. Originally Posted by oeb11
I would change that to age 90, with two beautiful women in bed with me, one sucking on my cock, the other kissing me and reliving all the stories about how I use to beat the shit out of liberals!