umscribe: Don Shula dead at 90

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
former dolphins head coach don shula passed away at 90.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
former dolphins head coach don shula passed away at 90. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

as a long time Fins fan who has suffered in agony since the glory days of Don Shula i was sad to hear of his death the other day. what made Shula great is that he adapted to his team's strengths instead of forcing one style on his teams over time. when he coached the Colts with Unitas he threw the ball. at Miami in the early days he ran the ball down opponent's throats then when Dan Marino came to the team he once again went to a passing attack that helped redefine what you can do by passing the ball.

the 1972 Dolphins are still the only undefeated untied Super Bowl champs!!!
This makes me feel really old.

What a full life Coach Shula lead. We could all hope to be as fortunate.

May he now Rest In Peace.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Great coach. Great person.
I always thought Mercury Morris had a good name.

I like Landry better as a coach.