Webpage info

Gentlemen of eccie.

First off, hello to each and every sexy one of you.

Now onto my point.

I am thinking of creating and maintaining a website of my own. A place where you gentlemen can go look at pictures, view some reviews and other information.
You know, much like hundreds of the other ladies already have......

I have two questions, feel free to answer with as much detail or advice as you please, it will all be absorbed.

First off, what do you like to see in/on a personal escort website?

Secondly what do you not like? What would make you not want to revisit?

That's it.

Thank you all in advance for your answers, your time and attention is greatly appreciated.
Gladiator69's Avatar
My advice is that you regularly UPDATE your website. What I mean by that is so many ladies set up a website and then it's like they never do anything with it again once it's set up. Example, if you have a schedule/tour tab, keep it current. Donations, if you have different donations rates such as home/tour rates or specials list them, don't say contact me..same with services. Give the person as much information as you can so they can decide if you and he would enjoy one another's company. Keep photo's current. Let clients know if you are available to travel/tour or you are only available to a local area. Just my two cents...good luck gorgeous
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'd say almost every client I see compliments my site or mentions it. They all really seem to enjoy the fact that I built it myself, so it is very personal. Plus they seem to enjoy that I update it almost weekly and a lot of my personality comes through. I'm always told that it makes them feel like they know me and are coming to see a real person, almost a friend, and not just a provider placing ad's.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Very nice website Brooke!! Very informative and easy to navigate. Your showcase on here needs your attention tho
AmishGangster's Avatar
A good ladies webpage gives all the pertinent information we need about you in 1 place. Pictures, your personality, RATES, contact info, screening process, links to your reviews, do's and don'ts and FAQs (within reason and sensibility of course) etc. It should be in an easy to navigate format and done in a font and color scheme that is bold and easy to read on a smartphone, tablet, etc. Do you have any idea how many ladies MyPages on Indys are virtually impossible to read because of the colors or backround? Lots and lots. Once you get a test page set up, ask an old guy like Chesty to see if he can read it. Then ask him to borrow BSers phone and see if he can read it on the phone. When he can read it on both you have a winner! And for cryin out loud actually use the calendar portion of the site. Its not that hard to log on once a week and mark your days and times off. And dont put in a ton of crazy graphics or huge backround picture files, they take too darn long to load when you are in a low service area.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 11-08-2013, 04:23 PM
I like clearly listed rates
Updated and accurate pics.
Links to reviews are nice.
How you like to be contacted.

I hate "members only" photos, or "fan club only".
And please, no music is necessary, or distracting backgrounds, I have a short attention span and get confused easily
Very nice website Brooke! I like that layout very much.
Thank you for sharing it here.

I'm still weighing the pros and cons and looking for a hosting site. I've heard some bad stories about some of the click and paste escort websites out there.

A good ladies webpage gives all the pertinent information we need about you in 1 place. Pictures, your personality, RATES, contact info, screening process, links to your reviews, do's and don'ts and FAQs (within reason and sensibility of course) etc. It should be in an easy to navigate format and done in a font and color scheme that is bold and easy to read on a smartphone, tablet, etc. Do you have any idea how many ladies MyPages on Indys are virtually impossible to read because of the colors or backround? Lots and lots. Once you get a test page set up, ask an old guy like Chesty to see if he can read it. Then ask him to borrow BSers phone and see if he can read it on the phone. When he can read it on both you have a winner! And for cryin out loud actually use the calendar portion of the site. Its not that hard to log on once a week and mark your days and times off. And dont put in a ton of crazy graphics or huge backround picture files, they take too darn long to load when you are in a low service area. Originally Posted by amishgangster
Yada Yada Yada,
Quick question AG.
You ever read My MyPage? Go critique it for me.

I just want more than that....and the ability to share it with whomever I choose.

FFH, I completely agree about the music. How else can a guy cruise at work if it's not quietly? Geez

I really appreciate all the advice and criticisms, Thank you all.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thank you .. I use onewebhosting.com and they are totally cool with adult sites ... I actually had them help me with my site today. I have to say, I pay $9.95 a month, but they treat me like I am spending $995.00 a month. The customer service is A1. I have had them hosting my site for about 18 months.

Also, I have zero technical ability and have never taken any computer courses and I was able to build my site 100% on my own and it only took me the weekend, maybe 8 hours on a Friday night and 5 hours the next night and I was done.

I would recommend not using one of the "free escort" sites.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Very nice website Brooke!! Very informative and easy to navigate. Your showcase on here needs your attention tho Originally Posted by Gladiator69
Thank you and 10-4 ... my showcase is updated
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If you decide against doing a site yourself and would like to hire someone ... I highly recommend Tia .... she is a wonderful lady .... really one of a kind. She makes simple, yet creative and well designed sites.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Also one thing I forgot to mention, a HUGE perk of having a website (and the reason I would never work without one) is that it allows clients to know so much about you and know what to expect when planning a visit with you. This most always alleviates the awkward questions about money and services. Plus they know that information is accurate and current because it is coming directly from you.
Thank you again Brooke.
So nice of you to be helpful, I appreciate it.
Having a website also demonstrates an honesty as a provider - not just a fly by night Backpage transient. It does eliminate a lot of uncertainty and provides some history. I don't think I have ever seen a website placed by LEO! Unfortunately most providers that have websites tend to be older and ultra cautious. I hate to say it but many of us have a prejudice towards younger ladies. Also, undergoing strict verification procedures is often time consuming, uncertain and a pain in the ass. I have done it many times and still had the date fall through at the last minute (just like Backpage)! About the only thing really good thing about Backpage is that qualification is almost non existent, making it an extremely risky path.
So I hope that you do create a webpage and do it as soon as possible while you young. JMHO. LG
grayturner's Avatar
Do NOT include background music. Several times I have tried to discretely look at a providers web site only to be greeted with loud music the second it opens.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Yada Yada Yada,
Quick question AG.
You ever read My MyPage? Go critique it for me. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Jinny your mypage is outstanding with only one possible issue in my eyes. The text IMO is too light of a shade.

Oh and I agree with everything FFH said too