Live for free on the taxpayers dime

berryberry's Avatar
Just be a damn illegal and invade the US

Enough is enough - ship these illegals back to their own damn countries

Exclusive: Venezuelan Migrant Living Good Life at New York City Taxpayers’ Expense

Danny, a Venezuelan migrant who recently arrived in the “Big Apple,” is beyond surprised with the accommodations and benefits provided to him. He crossed the Rio Grande in May near Brownsville, Texas, after a grueling trek through Panama, Central America, and Mexico.

Now, Danny told Breitbart Texas he has a clean hotel room, a New York City identification card, free health care and prescription benefits, and recently found a job at a cleaning company. All at the expense of New York City taxpayers.

The video shows the city-provided hotel room where Danny and another migrant currently live. He recently began working for a residential/commercial cleaning company and works four days weekly. Despite not having a work authorization card allowing him to legally work, or a New York driver’s license, his employer hired him and allows him to drive a company vehicle into New Jersey on workdays. The video shows Danny’s drive to work across the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River.
Danny has been at the hotel since mid-May, saying the accommodation is beyond anything he could have imagined.


“We have more than 15 Army soldiers that help with security and hand out food to us when we get hungry, there is plenty of food available all day and our rooms are cleaned every morning,” he told Breitbart Texas. Danny says laundry service and cable television at the hotel are free as well. All of this is provided by the taxpayers of New York City.
The health plan provided by the city affords Danny medical, prescription, dental, and vision services. The plan requires no monthly premiums, no co-pays, and offers prescriptions to “Essential Plan” holders at a cost of $1 for generic medications and $3 for named brand drugs.

The cost to provide services to the migrants in New York City is staggering with one recent estimate of $4.2 billion through July 2024, according to a February New York Post report. Adams has repeatedly asked the Biden Administration to reimburse the city for migrant care expenses hoping to pass some of the costs onto U.S. taxpayers.
Yeah. A few of the apartment complexes on McKnight Rd have free rent and stuff to migrants. I used to live in 1 and I knew of 4 apartments that were subsidized for illegal migrants. The manager of the complex said 3 or 4 others in the area had 5 or so apartments each also subsidized. I paid about 1400 a month so it probably is less than NYC but also the one family ended up with a pretty darn nice F150 4WD Crew Cab truck all of the sudden too. Had to of at least been 65000 dollars. It was either very new or brand new because it was 1 model year old.
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah. Meanwhile our country goes deeper and deeper into debt and true American needs are ignored while these illegals get all these free handouts
At least you're not angry about it
... Berry doesn't seem angry to me.

Just disappointed at this - the latest Biden immigration scam:
... "Pay 'em to Stay"....

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
He's mad, bro. Disappointment doesn't drive this level of engagement.
chizzy's Avatar
He's mad, bro. Disappointment doesn't drive this level of engagement. Originally Posted by HDGristle

Well if he is, he has the right to be. We give billions to countries that hate our guts, we spend billions on immigrants but they talk about cutting social security for older Americans. Homeless veterans..... at least 70 percent of people on welfare are able to work and that's coming from 3 people I know who work for the welfare dept. They have much better health than our people on ss. By a mile..any prescription costs a buck. Old people have co-pays on some meds well over 200 dollars each month.

You take care of your own first and then if u can u help others

It's the opposite now and we all know why.....
There's only one party talking about cutting social security right now. And it's the party who currently hold the House majority.
chizzy's Avatar
There's only one party talking about cutting social security right now. And it's the party who currently hold the House majority. Originally Posted by tommy156
again you are polarized......... biden since the 80's talked about cutting or freezing social security. he supported and wrote bills to do that

you seem to hate the right sooo bad you turn a blind eye to anything the dems do or say

so what if he isnt saying it right now, he cant because he knows his popularity would tank even more

and by the way, here is a fact check concerning your saying republicans want to cut ss.

These claims are false. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has said Medicare and Social Security are not on the table for debt ceiling negotiations. Republicans have proposed raising the retirement age to 70 years old to cut costs, but as far as what is happening right now, that is not a plan the part is moving forward with.

and again, you took one tidbit from what i wrote instead of the whole thing..... classic
berryberry's Avatar
Exactly Chizzy.

Our national debt is spiraling out of control.
Veterans are homeless.
Welfare cheats live off those hard working Americans
Social Security and Medicare are both on the verge of insolvency in the next decade

And yet the leftists want to keep funneling all this money to illegals who have invaded our country.

On what planet does that even make an iota of sense.

Add to that the leftists repeated lies here about Republicans accusing them of doing what it is the leftists in DC want to do. That someone not only thinks that but repeats it suggests they are either incredibly ill informed or they are purposely spreading false information because they have no other way to defend what Senile Biden and his cronies are doing to this country
HDGristle's Avatar

Show your anger is bipartisan, because every issue you just named is the product of bipartisan action... and bipartisan inaction.

Stop the gaslighting and be honest
berryberry's Avatar
LOL - even the dipshit Mayor in NYC has had enough. Guess he has run out of taxpayer money to waste on these illegal invaders stealing from the taxpayers

NY Times: New York City will immediately begin discouraging asylum seekers from seeking refuge here, distributing fliers at the southern border that warn migrants there is “no guarantee” they will receive shelter or services, Mayor Eric Adams announced on Wednesday.
again you are polarized......... biden since the 80's talked about cutting or freezing social security. he supported and wrote bills to do that

you seem to hate the right sooo bad you turn a blind eye to anything the dems do or say

so what if he isnt saying it right now, he cant because he knows his popularity would tank even more

and by the way, here is a fact check concerning your saying republicans want to cut ss.

These claims are false. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has said Medicare and Social Security are not on the table for debt ceiling negotiations. Republicans have proposed raising the retirement age to 70 years old to cut costs, but as far as what is happening right now, that is not a plan the part is moving forward with.

and again, you took one tidbit from what i wrote instead of the whole thing..... classic Originally Posted by chizzy
Liberals make false claims against republicans for exactly what they are doing.
Trump has said all along SS and Medicare are safe so has the republicans.

On prescription drugs, my co-pay for Eliquis is a little over $100.00 a month.
berryberry's Avatar
Liberals make false claims against republicans for exactly what they are doing.
Trump has said all along SS and Medicare are safe so has the republicans.

On prescription drugs, my co-pay for Eliquis is a little over $100.00 a month. Originally Posted by Chase7
Yep, leftists blatantly post false information all the time. It really is quite pathetic that is what they have to resort to because they can not defend the Senile Imbecile in the Whitehouse and the band of crooked leftists in Congress
berryberry's Avatar
New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams on illegal immigration:

"Our cup has basically runneth over. We have no more room in the city."