When does time start?

So far I've had great experience with providers not being clock watchers, but wanted to hear from guy and girls about when the time starts?

This is all hypothetical... Let's say you schedule a 2:00pm meetup for 30 mins and let the girl know you want to take a quick shower to clean up first at her location. So you arrive at 2, text her for apt number and all that. Find the place.. Chat for a few then hop in the shower for like 5 mins. So now it is like 2:15... Does your 30 mins start then or did it start when you entered the location?
I would say for me it works out better when I am given notice before hand that the shower needs to be used before session (this is HIGHLY appreciated and encouraged). After shower the session will begin. Now in other situations it might not work because you have another appointment scheduled and when the person comes in they take their sweet dandy time in the shower, get out, and then by the time you are finshed with session you have had 1hr and 30 min of your time taken up. The you are rushed to tidy and prepare to see your next client.

It's just better to give notice when booking appt. so the lady can be well prepared. Not really to much of a issue for me cause Im very low volume but might be for a lady that keeps herself booked with back to back appts (eww)
I am not a big clock watcher, but I will not let myself be taken advantage of either. Admittedly, I am a bit ymmv. I am very upfront about it though. There is no need to waste YOUR or MY time. If I am going to be staring at the clock the whole time what is the point? That is no fun for either party. Some ladies are a stickler about that extra 5 or 10 minutes. I care more about the guy I like coming back, because I didn't boot him out the door the minute time was up. Just my 2 cents
I think you're looking at a YMMV situation. And it depends on the provider. If they don't share incalls time tends to be less rigid. Some providers start at the time you walk in, some don't count the Convo part. So i dont think you can narrow it down to a set answer.
governmentguru's Avatar
As soon as you're screened...
definitely a ymmv thing. Lower volume providers and ladies that don't share incalls seem to clock watch less. I always like to shower ahead of time so it isn't an issue, either at the casa or at the gym before. My question would be about the chit chat before the party. Some ladies like to chat a bit to get comfy so I always wonder if that is part of the time. I'm ready to roll when I walk thru the door, especially on a short visit so don't want to delay and then feel rushed but am also understanding of chatting to break the ice if they want to.
I would love to hear some more ladies chime in with this. Please let us know how you feel so we may our time schedule our time (and yours) appropriately.

I have spent time with a lady whose time did not start until we "went upstairs". Shower, living area (for convo) were downstairs and all bcd took place upstairs. Others start the clock when the door opens and they want to chat for a bit, have a drink, let me shower and then rush the session. Others fall somewhere inbetween.
Whispers's Avatar
hmmmm... How about when there is something in her mouth other than words?

I think that if a gal is offering up GFE service and greets you at the door as a long lost lover with a tongue playfully involved you need to respect that the clock has just started.

Showering should be something you should have already done or discussed up front.

Where others will disagree with me is that it is not for me to decide when my hour has ended so long as it is at least an hour.

There is a professional in the room and they can value their time. IF we are caught up in the moment and stretch over the one hour limit well... sorry.... I will damn sure remember you and probably see you again but do not expect additional money....

Some subtle reminder is appropriate in the last quarter hour if you are a clock watcher....

I am OK with Pros and the best never make it feel that way.....
Nina Sparxx's Avatar
Ok Gentleman,
I like for people to be on time, I am on time. I share a space, so the only issue I have with what OP is talking about is, I don't always have the luxury of allowing that. Anytime things go over, I always make sure the gent knows that it may not be possible next time.
I don't want anyone thinking, "Hey! Last time she didn't mind if we chatted, and so on, but this time she damn near threw me through the door to get me outta there."
If it's in the way when a gent schedules, I make sure before he even confirms that he knows in and gone, I also at that time try to offer different times to get away from the rushed feeling, I don't like it either.
But I guess that is the trade off for a nice, safe, discreet place to hang out in.
I provide FBSM, so my take on this is probably a bit different. I appreciate a client who respects my time, and schedule. By that I mean, they show up on time or if they are running late, drop me a quick email or call to let me know. I'm usually flexible with in 15 minutes, and build it into my schedule. Things happen, and I understand that. However, out of respect for myself and my clients who are scheduled after you, once you are 20 minutes or more late, I need to reschedule you for another time.

I do provide a shower on quick notice, but prefer to know ahead of time so that I can prep accordingly to meet your needs. Respecting your time and expectations, I start the clock when you are on my mat. A full 60 minute massage. I thank those kind ones who shower before they see me. Because of the nature of the Bodywork I do, you will not receive the full benefits if you're not clean. If necessity dictates that I need to invite you into my shower to scrub you down so that I may work on you, then yes, the clock stared when you walked in the door.

I think it is up to the provider to set the tone and is the one fully responsible for time spent in a session. I am ALWAYS ready on time. I greet my client at the door, offer them bottled water while they are changing or showering in my restroom. You are usually on my mat with in 5 minutes of walking in my door. A little chat and giggles, then you will melt into my hands. I have run over time as well, but only because I care about my clients experience with me. I want you to lay back, relax, and forget about the clock, or that you are a "client". I also give you time on my mat to collect yourself, because you will need it! I'm not going to let my client walk out the door without a yummy finish. If they have multiple orgasms that's A okay with me. I want you walk out of my place blissful, relaxed, and ready for the rest of your day.
I don't like to feel rushed either
Thanks guys.. So really seems to be a YMMV based on the provider and the particular situation
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks guys.. So really seems to be a YMMV based on the provider and the particular situation Originally Posted by rrtx88
The date starts when I say it starts!!! Bahahahahaha.... Juuuuust kidding. But if you come in and want to talk for 30 mins and then play for a full 60..... Fo.... Fuckin.... Get it. Lol. Been here too long, and see most gents that have too, to know how the minutes and the value of those minutes work. Just being real. Doesn't mean I'm a clock watcher, and doesn't mean I'm not prepared to be your full GFE dream either:::: but this thread is categorizing for that of realists and surrealists. You're one or the other.... Lol. Xoxo
The date starts when I say it starts!!! Bahahahahaha.... Juuuuust kidding. But if you come in and want to talk for 30 mins and then play for a full 60..... Fo.... Fuckin.... Get it. Lol. Been here too long, and see most gents that have too, to know how the minutes and the value of those minutes work. Just being real. Doesn't mean I'm a clock watcher, and doesn't mean I'm not prepared to be your full GFE dream either:::: but this thread is categorizing for that of realists and surrealists. You're one or the other.... Lol. Xoxo Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
I agree, the time should start as soon as the lady is ready for bcd activities. If the lady wants to chat to get comfy I say that shouldn't be on the clock but if the lady is ready and the guy wants to chat it up, that's all on him, he pays for chatting or he pays for bcd.