Richard Dawson

yankee13's Avatar
passed away late saturday night at age 79 from esophagel cancer he was very good in hogans heroes as newkirk also known as a wild womans kisser
sunfish's Avatar
bless that man
awwwww....i used to watch him in hogans hero's ....he did love to kiss the
He was also the wisecracking, women-kissing host of the popular quiz show "Family Feud".
BlackJedi's Avatar
He was also the wisecracking, women-kissing host of the popular quiz show "Family Feud". Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Steve Harvey is now the host and it's still funny but not the same without Richard Dawson. I used to always watch Family Feud when I was kid which seems like years ago.
the survey said...
He was great in The Running Man with Arnold.
I loved Heroes and then loved watching him on FF.....he was great GOD Bless him! and to all the ladies up out....or get ready!