Have you or would you tape a session?

jerkn2u's Avatar
I'm curious which providers would tape a session for a client or have done it before? What would be your additional donation for something like that?
Couldnt pay me enough! Whatever happened to the part about being discreet?
john_deere's Avatar

saw that coming.
pyramider's Avatar
Who in their right mind would want to film my fat ass and 1.3" of dangling death? The only thing worth filming would be the lady doubled over laughing at me as I undress.
Guest042715's Avatar
Duct tape fixes everything!
verygood69's Avatar
Boy would that be a laugh once someone watch my itty jr pound away.
DallasRain's Avatar
If we have met before,I would love to have a tapped session....I have done it before,and it is so HOT to watch together afterwards!!
sroach23's Avatar
There are several providers that allow taping sessions. You just have to ask nicely.
Dandito's Avatar
Couldnt pay me enough! Whatever happened to the part about being discreet? Originally Posted by LittleMiss
If a video exists, it's gonna end up somewhere you don't want it.

Littlemiss, love the new avatar btw., Dayyum!
If a video exists, it's gonna end up somewhere you don't want it.

Littlemiss, love the new avatar btw., Dayyum! Originally Posted by Dan4424
When I initially read the post the word Blackmail in huge letters flashed through my mind!

Thanks love!
Crimson32's Avatar
When I initially read the post the word Blackmail in huge letters flashed through my mind!

Thanks love! Originally Posted by LittleMiss
Ha! And we know that never happens in the hobby
If a video exists, it's gonna end up somewhere you don't want it.

Littlemiss, love the new avatar btw., Dayyum! Originally Posted by Dan4424
I don't think i would do it personally, but you could make it part of the deal that you use your camera (hard drive) camera only, no copy left behind. Then if your business ends up out there, it's your own damn fault....just saying in case your hell bent on doing this. I will even sell you a HD camera : )
pyramider's Avatar
Did the Zumba instructor from Maine come to anyone's mind.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Couldnt pay me enough! Whatever happened to the part about being discreet? Originally Posted by LittleMiss

+ 1,000

I often wonder if the guys who like to take pictures all the time go around showing them to other guys saying look at all the girls i have fucked and they let me take pictures too! lol (not to offend anyone but thats what i think of when i think of wanting to record, to have proof that we had sex and i saw you naked!) Which can also lead to bad blackmail or you being put WAAAAAAY out there.

Plus i heard people can make money off amature, you'll be on someone's website and not even know it.
roaringfork's Avatar
While watching a certain lady suck me, the thought has occurred that I was experiencing the ultimate POV video (as I think they're called). I guess it's just a matter of wishing that at least the visual aspect of the experience could last forever. Wouldn't be much point in widening the camera angle to include any more of Yours Truly.