Review: Alex - Total Rip Off!!!

  • rxeng
  • 02-25-2013, 09:43 PM
Date: 2/20/13
Provider: Alex
Phone: (832) 534-2539
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: -
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: Nothing, I got riped off without so much as a handshake!
Session Length: 0 hours
Fee: $1000
Hair Length and Color: Blond and shoulder length.
Age: 25
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Took one for the team on this girl; a total rip off. Stay away from this one men! Alex is a beautiful girl, with blond hair. I can't say much more because I only saw her for about 2 minutes while she was ripping me off.
Recommendation: No
Ladies are not allowed to post in the review section, please do not let it happen again, Lazrback.

Well,, shit,, the above warning made a whole lot more sense when this was still in the review forum,,, please ignore,,,,

TexasCowboy's Avatar
The finanical burden that you were out of sucks....Never ever give anyone that kind of money that you do not know and expect good things to come out of it.....This is meant for both men and women for the tables can be turned....You could of went in and booked the hotel then went back to your car and waited for the phone call...If they did not call at least you have the room and could of invited someone else over...

This is the same analogy as when individuals try to sell you a laptop, speakers, phone, car or many other item and you do not test them first, after paying for these they are long gone...
The op met the provider.
even paid the provider

Why is this not in the review section?
The Motley Fool's Avatar
Damn, that sucks. Eros is hit and miss as well. But I looked at her photos, some has her face blocked out and others' it's not. Don't make sense. I'm thinking was it really the same girl--? Nevertheless, got to be careful, that's one of the oldest scams in the book that she pulled.

ManSlut's Avatar
rxeng, I've said this several times on this board, but it bears repeating - Generally, only troublemaker lookouts or LE lookouts ask the question "What are you driving and what color car are you in?" ...Never, ever answer this, just keep on driving back where you came from and live to play another day or proceed to your Plan B...The only exception I ever make to this violation is with an established provider with a sterling reputation and credibility, but I will never tell what I am driving or the color of my car.

Sorry this happened to you, but damn 3 bills for a hotel room, what the fuck were you thinking? This had to have been at a very high dollar place and your Red Flag Danger Detector should have been going crazy because if she's a High Dollar Hooker she'd be able to get her own fucking room.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Damn dude, that was an expensive cash & dash lesson you learned. I agree with above posters. The fact that she didn't already have a room ready should have been a red flag. Her ad says incall available. NEVER release the donation until you're inside the room.
Duke of G's Avatar
The op met the provider.
even paid the provider

Why is this not in the review section? Originally Posted by yourself
No activities took place. "Meeting and paying" aren't the only criteria to qualify as a review.

Certainly a warning worth making, just not a review.
  • rxeng
  • 02-26-2013, 08:30 AM
Yes, I know this was very stupid on my part and I should know better; I've been in the hobby for a long time. I'm just used to dealing with honest girls; it's been a long time since I've met one that wasn't honest. As for the money, really not a concern for me as I make between $25k and $35k per month; I just don't like getting ripped off and wanted to warn the rest of you.

ManSlut, that's very good advice and will be my policy from no on.
  • rxeng
  • 02-26-2013, 08:34 AM
Damn, that sucks. Eros is hit and miss as well. But I looked at her photos, some has her face blocked out and others' it's not. Don't make sense. I'm thinking was it really the same girl--? Nevertheless, got to be careful, that's one of the oldest scams in the book that she pulled.

MF Originally Posted by The Motley Fool
I'm pretty sure it was the same girl. She was blond but you can see her face in a number of the photos on Eros and it it wasn't her it was her sister. She was very hot and dressed to kill. No excuse though, I was doing my thinking with the little head vs. the big head. Lesson learned.
Crimson32's Avatar
, really not a concern for me as I make between $25k and $35k per month; . Originally Posted by rxeng
That's all? Hell I make that in a year.
icansmile's Avatar
I am still trying to get past the $300 for the room part. Sorry to hear.
Glad you've been meeting honest providers until this pair.
Never a good idea to part all the money outside the hotel, outside the room, etc.
Typically, I won't pay until service rendered.
No activities took place. "Meeting and paying" aren't the only criteria to qualify as a review. Originally Posted by Duke of G
"Activities" most definitely took place....Does the rule say they have to be SEXUAL activities?

I am not bringing this up just to be contrary. I believe this review would better serve the community if it were kept in the "reviews" section where others are most likely to search for and find it.

Dumped here in coed, it is destined to fade away. I realize the debatable policy of placing NCNS reviews is something management wants to do, but this is not a NCNS. ... it is a review of the OPs first hand, face to face experience as a result of his scheduled session with this provider.
pmdelites's Avatar
rxeng, so sorry that this happened to you.

to newbies and vets alike - PLEASE LEARN FROM HIS MISFORTUNES.
1. be wary at all times. i dont like giving out make/color of my car either. they [or their lookouts] are looking for you!! you might come back to find your car broken into.

2. dont prepay for rooms and services, unless you are absolutely sure that she'll be back.

3. research the woman, ph#, email address, photos. if nothing or very little shows up [and very little did in Alex' case], that should tell you to back off. or at least venture forth very carefully.

4. wrt looks "She looked great, just like her photo except she had changed her hair color to blond." if she doesnt look like the woman in the ad, again back off or venture forth very carefully. you might even have the ad w/ you and question her.

if she's a reputable provider, you probably wouldnt need to deal w/ this.
"she's that good!!"