
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
I am just curious on to when I missed the change of "iso" to "info on bp...." ???
Yes I know I know you're in search of info on blah blah girl. I personally think we need a bp info thread. I go through iso looking for something that is usually short notice, looking for someone in search of a providers services. I may be wrong but that is MY opinion and feel there is not much of true iso any more these days.
I am not looking for rude remarks, keep it to yourself because I am the one to just smile in your face
Good day everyone and play safe
ISO has become more of a 'I'm too lazy to check this girl out myself so ill post and see if anyone else wants to do the work for me' forum.

How hard is it to run pics through tinyeye, and cross reference numbers?? Google makes it quite easy. I always laugh when they ask about a girl then someone immediately posts behind them with all the info they could have found themselves lol
Seems to be an evolving work in progress. There have been similar threads already, in the discussion (and complaints) of iso.

There have also been some pretty good ideas like TinMan's short notice thread. But I personally would rather not have a BP thread. I think a healthy distance from that service is prudent here. I understand the frustration though.

TinMan's Avatar
I sympathize with your sentiment, Lacey, but if you read the description of the forum, the BP requests are exactly the kind of thing that forum is designed for. Your complaint, however, does speak to a frequently-voiced opinion that certain things need to be reconsidered to make it easier for hobbyists and providers to connect.

LittleMiss, you know I love ya (in that healthy, horny hobby way), but I have to strongly disagree with your sentiment that the "lazy" way of gathering info is somehow wrong. We are the customer, and if this forum or the service providers can make it easier for us to spend our money, that should be considered a good thing.

If I have to spend too much time doing research, I won't have time to actually see the women who want my money. More often than not, if I can't quickly find what I want I just shrug my shoulders and go on about my day. It's not important enough for me to expend that extra effort, while my decision may be the difference in whether or not some young woman is able to make her rent.
I totally respect your reply TinMan, I'm not saying that they shouldn't, I'm just saying that the time it takes to post is about the same as it takes to run her through google... I just don't see the point... It is nice to have your view on the subject though, I didn't ever think of it that way. And of course, you know I loves you too!
cheatercheater's Avatar
Siri refuses to do tineye searches. Some of these ISO's are posted while we are driving down the road pleasuring ourselves in traffic and hoping to luck into something quick.

Seriously I understand what you are saying. I do however agree with Tinman in that's what the forum is for. Seems like search is quirky at times and unless you know the in and outs, you may not find anything. Hence the request for info.