I have a discrepancy...

This is MY side of the review in regards to planobizman

So I had a guy call me Saturday night about a half hour date. He was very short notice but I saw him anyway. He had called before but never showed. He was kind of rude upon his arrival. He walks in and just grabbed my face for a make out session. He then starts undressing without setting down the donation or even so much as a little convo. I asked for the donation and after 2 mins he handed it to me. So he starts demanding fs with a very huge attitude after my response was lay down and let me take care of you. He starts getting upset saying I just want my money back! He even stated that he knew my half hours were not FS!!! So if its known my half hour is limited, which I may be changing! Why try? I even told him via phone about the difference. He then left very mad. Calling me names, saying very hurtful things. So I left quickly considering I didn't want anymore problems. After I got back to my apartment he then called asking to come back... I was scared but I work with a girl who said she would go. In order to see him again I would have only accepted the hour rate considering the problem I just had in regards to an already worked out rate and agreed service. He laughed and hung up... Which is fine, I understand.
So after reading the review I saw the flaws and before I wrote this I contacted him to try and fix it. He told me he would fix it if I went verrrrry over the top for him... I ask how? He tells me bbfs!!!! Bb Greek???? LOL!!! Are you kidding me??? I just hung up. Then he writes me a text and says... Don't worry I'll edit it! Yea because you just asked me for all types of NO NO's!!!!!

So that is my side of the story... I also have the call log & text regarding bb greek!!
Pm me for details
Mwah!!! Bebe Jay
cheatercheater's Avatar
"So after reading the review I saw the flaws and before I wrote this I contacted him to try and fix it."

Really? What part of the review was wrong? Where did you read it?
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
Oops.. I almost wanna go see her. I'm just curious as to what really happened. Specifically the part of the details in the review.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 02-26-2013, 02:32 PM
So after reading the review I saw the flaws Originally Posted by BebeJay
Date: 2/23
Provider: BeeBeeJay
Phone: 469 994 9913
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Hotel Greenville and LBJ
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Session Length: 30
Fee: 100
Hair Length and Color: Blonde Shoulders
Age: 19
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: nice, attractive young, pretty,,few tats
The Rest of the Story:
Recommendation: No

What are the flaws you mention?
He left out an activity..
Crimson32's Avatar
He left out an activity.. Originally Posted by BebeJay
Haha!! I couldn't help myself on this but I just choked on my Cheerios with this rebuttle!! Just curious as to what activities~ or should I say {activity}did he leave out? Unless you consider GTF out?<---- (Get The Fuck) an activity.
OldGrump's Avatar
BebeJay, you are young and probably haven't been in the business long. Don't be a glutton for punishment or abuse. He no showed once. Then the 30 minute episode / misunderstanding and you agree to see him a 3rd time?????

It isn't worth the money to risk seeing a client that you don't feel is respecting your limits. He may have his own story, but it is obvious you two don't belong together for any period of time.

These are the kind of situations that can blow up in a heartbeat.

Be safe.
Randall Creed's Avatar
No FS for half hours? Wow. Why bother then?

Is that a rule made up by the coach??
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
Just read 99's review. It's the 2nd from the top. Specifically the first sentence in ROS. That clears everything up. Now if beejay would change her policy I might be able to coach her properly on the aspects of costumer service. And of course the final exam on being a very, very good girl. I've never left anything out.
Crimson32's Avatar
He left out an activity.. Originally Posted by BebeJay
This answer was priceless!!! Its funny as hell....
It's clearly obvious she is being managed and its a shame. Bebe Jay your a little hottie and at this rate I fear the worst for you in this industry. Allow someone other than who your with to "guide" not manage} you into a more intelligent way for providing. Good luck
I'm not managed and I'm wrong for not doing FS for a 100 I dont understand my reviews state that so when a con hobbyist come in I'm pose to give in to his demands????? I know and he know the truth I put my side of the story out and it is what it is I don't do Fs for 100
  • HNIC
  • 02-27-2013, 11:08 AM
I think you should make it clear in your ads and when contacted that the 1/2 hour session does not include FS, just to avoid any misunderstandings.

Most hobbyist assume they are getting the full menu for a shorter period of time
addict's Avatar
Call it a B&G and nobody will get confused.
Crimson32's Avatar
I'm not managed and I'm wrong for not doing FS for a 100 I dont understand my reviews state that so when a con hobbyist come in I'm pose to give in to his demands????? I know and he know the truth I put my side of the story out and it is what it is I don't do Fs for 100 Originally Posted by BebeJay
Fair enough~ Your absolutely right. Only the both of you will ever know the truth. But it would be wise to elaborate a little more on services rendered. No one is badgering you about the truth- there is completely a misunderstanding about how your rates are set. just understand that your rate structure is a little misleading.
[Whirling the nightstick around]

"Alright people..nothin' to see here! Move along! What's wrong with ya? Never seen a train wreck before!!"