Blessings to you all...and a wish for 2012

Those who know me know I am an obsessive forward-thinker. But as each year nears an end, it brings a day or two of reflection. My kids call these "Dad's cheesy days." They visit their friends a lot during these days!

I look back over 2011 now and wonder, did I make a difference? Is there a child who had a better Christmas because of me? A serviceman or woman who feels more appreciated? Did I honor my civil servants this year as they stood ready to protect me for the last 360 days without fail? Did I make an elderly citizen around me feel respected and honored? Did I care for my family and lead my kids? Did I do my best to tell the truth, to vote, and to lead my company in the best way possible to make the future more secure for my employees and their families.

Did I complain less, pray more, and get involved in the world around me?

I want to say I made a difference in at least one of these. And I want to say that in 2012, I will again.

What about you? In all seriousness, (yes, that's a tall order!) is there an area where you would really like to make a difference in 2012? I'd like to hear what it is.

And, as always, I wish you all the best today and in 2012.
I am impressed I was thinking about doing a post very much like this one only slightly different. all year long I try my best to help others and hope I have made a difference in some way..I also have made mistakes however I choose to learn and move 2011 is coming to an end I have found myself reflecting back on the year and here is what I have found. Like everyone else I have had hard issues to deal with however I survived them and have been made stronger due to them.There is a saying "Harm none" There have been times I have hurt someone and I try and make admends if they accept great if not it is beyond my control...when I have been wronged or hurt by someone after I get over the feeling I forgive them but not for them but for me. Forgiveness is a selfish act holding on to all those negative feelings only hurts me so let them go and forgive... So as this year ends and a new year is upon us reach out to those you have hurt..Forgive those those who have hurt you and take the positive and what you have learned and begin the new year on a positive note but this is something you should do on a daily basis not only once a year. With these words i wish all a happy holiday and a wonderful new year...It is what you make of it and only you can decide how your day will be....Be safe to all of you....
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That post brought tears to my eyes. I can say that this year was different for me. Things were much better for me and my family this year. I was able to give my family a better Christmas than I have the last 3 years.

There is a charity that I plan on getting involved in starting 2012 that I saw commercials for the other night that I had no clue about.

I am going to be different in so many ways.

Thank you for the thread.

Happy New Year everyone.