What would you charge for a 10 min meet only?

Maxwell73's Avatar
I've been in the hobby for a little over a year. Even with research and reviews, well over half the providers I've seen have either not lived up to their claims of IOP or had misleading/old pictures.

I would truly love to have a hobby experience like the one that plays out in my head on the way over. What would you ladies charge for a 10 min meet at your normal incall. No expectation or possibility of a session so we can both plan our day out. Also no talking about whats on the menu or money. Just the two of us talking and gauging mutual interest for a future appt. You would get the advantage of having seen the person before the actual session. Would this alleviate any anxiety and allow you to be more relaxed? The hobbyist could enter the later appt. feeling safe and assured that he will be attracted to the provider- both physically and socially.

Too many times I've gone ahead against my better judgment simply because it was planned and I was ready. They all sucked, and all I can think about is the cool time I could have had at Bass Pro Shop instead.
pyramider's Avatar
Probably $$$

The ladies tend to get dolled up for appointments. Time is money.
Maxwell73's Avatar
Probably $$$

The ladies tend to get dolled up for appointments. Time is money. Originally Posted by pyramider
Great then schedule it 20 min before an actual session. It'd be like a tip as well as future business.
CoHorn's Avatar
Great then schedule it 20 min before an actual session. It'd be like a tip as well as future business. Originally Posted by ivangalt
Then the next client shows up a couple minutes early and she gets the reputation for a revolving door or worse... a dude leaving her place could be management. I just don't see this scenario working well for the lady.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
So you wish to conduct interviews, right? See if she's good enough for the job?

I understand where you're coming from, I do. But I'll let someone else finish my thought.

I'm sure a few of us are thinking the same thing.
Wow..... I'm speechless...
Maxwell73's Avatar
nope, not an interview. I'd like to give you money to meet you.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
It takes just as much time to get ready for a 10-minute meeting as a 2-hour date. No lady on here is going to let you see her until she's lickably clean and as perfectly pretty as she can be, and scheduling "between sessions" has, as CoHorn pointed out, serious drawbacks.

Just what is it you expect to find out in 10 minutes, darlin? I believe that my website, reviews, and even the posts I make on here are my resume, ditto for other providers, so I'm not sure what more could be learned in such a short period of time. You always have the option of walking out of a session if girl doesn't match photo, but after that, like any product, you take your chances if you go through with the purchase. The first 10 minutes of most appointments are usually nervous jitters, anyway.

Having said that, I will admit to meeting a few gentlemen for drinks and/or dinner at their expense before an appointment and feeling like I was on a "trial run." Evidently I passed their criteria, because we always had "dessert" at my place. (Makes a girl want to order a big lobster if she thinks she's going to be tossed back in the sea like a tiny tuna.)

How much are you willing to pay for a short meeting? I think the average B&G (not something I offer, btw) is $80, so I would say the same amount of M&G time ought to cost as much. (Bear in mind some providers are going to think that you are outright insulting them by making them try out for your cheerleader squad.) Once again, repeat after me, gentlemen pay escorts for time, not sex. What two people DO with their time is a matter of mutual consent after/if the clothes drop.

Well if this helps answer your question and you are interested in a Mature Cutie with Curves
i have a 15min block of time for $80 and you can make the choice of how we spend that time
Relaxation,Conversation,or More!!!
There is a lady that I know that can give the sweetest kisses. I honestly thought about a quick stop for some kisses and then on my way. Not practical I know,,,, but time and budget made me think about asking. Leaving might be tough though.
I have met for coffee or drinks in the past to see if we would be compatible.

It is true that it takes just as much time to get ready, regardless of the length of the appointment. This is why I don't typically schedule them. It simply isn't good business sense to open the entire store for someone who only wants a piece of gum.
I would do that for standard 15 minute rate... as said before... it does take time to get all dolled up.. makeup... hair...dressed... thigh highs... heels.. nerves calmed down... because... let's face it.. however you spell it out... a ten minute .. just meet and greet.. no sex... is an interview.. so you want to dress to impress.. and hopefully... you wont hear the line... "don't call us.. we'll call you... "... lol
While I understand that time is money and getting ready cost the same. I can respect the OP's offer for compensation not just a free peek. I prefer indies but the one thing studio's do offer is to meet the ladies before you commit. I have thought about this before and have yet to come up with a better plan than what has been mentioned hereSomething that has happened to me in the past is I have bartered and that gave me a chance to form a relationship first and I have had a provider set me up with someone they thought I would hit it off with. Kinda like a blind date. Both times was great! How would any of you ladies feel about hooking up your clients with your friends?
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 09-25-2012, 05:23 PM
Just offer to meet the lady for dinner, or lunch. ...or at a coffee shop for coffee and desert.
Maxwell73's Avatar
Shit. Didn't know I would get lambasted for suggesting an idea on a board. I'll tell you my reasoning. Well over half of my experiences (and yes more than my two or three reviews- just did them to get the ROS access-- and they were accurate.) have been blatant false advertising.

What would you ladies say about a client who many providers would say he just showed up and then left? I would soon be on the do not see list.

I keep hearing about how bad the economy is and how slow business is-- well if it were not for so many negative experiences or a way (like I just proposed) of cutting down on the lies/white knight reviews/misleading pictures ect... I would have spent several thousand dollars that I did not last year. I truly regret that it is so hard to find the lovely professional ladies that I would love to spend my time and money on.

Since my idea was so insulting, someone give me a better one. I don't want to waste your time when I up and leave a filthy incall and have you say- that asshole wasted my time.. And please don't say research and read reviews, been there done that. Maybe I'm unlucky but I ran into much bullshit.