determining the price point

I charge by the hour or sometimes a flat fee. So I was wondering how providers arrived at theirs. Most seem to be grouped around the $300 to $350 range. I generally find if you charge too little in a service business, you are considered cut rate, and if you charge too much, you are considered as a gouger. Thought?
Invisible1's Avatar
The mathematical calculations required to determine the proper fee a provider to charges for her time includes advanced multi-dimensional calculus so that the numerous time, sex, position, emotion, location, attire, measurements and other pertinent variables associated the business can be properly considerd in establishing the fee. Most men just would not understand. Don't try......Be happy.
I think that like any other form of employment we should be paid more, the longer we establish ourselves, stay around with consistently good reviews, and work as hard as some of us do to keep everyone happy. At least that's how I've viewed my rate increases. And you know what? It doesn't really change business for anything but the better.

For instance, a lady that started out at $150/hr as a newbie on ASPD, has every right to set her rates higher five years later with consistent and excellent services. And yes, there are a LOT of men who refuse to see bargain priced providers. The ladies you might consider to be 'gougers' actually do quite well or they wouldn't charge what they do. It all depends on our personal comfort level as to how many visits we are willing to entertain.

Just my take on things.
Good points Dannie.
Spikebaby's Avatar
puuuuuurrrrr Dannie.......

You hit it on the head!

the Original Jenna of Dallas
  • bvcs
  • 10-04-2012, 06:35 PM
I do find the notion of "gouging" a little silly in a free market...

If the price is too high for a guy, move on. Personally I have a range that, unless it were a provider's first day, I can be reasonably confident that she's a quality choice. If she weren't, then she would not have a steady stream of business at a given price. Below that range ... well, I tried a lower priced provider once and it will be only once. Bleh. *shudders*

That about sums up the complicated calculus used on judging price in my book.
I charge by the hour or sometimes a flat fee. So I was wondering how providers arrived at theirs. Most seem to be grouped around the $300 to $350 range. I generally find if you charge too little in a service business, you are considered cut rate, and if you charge too much, you are considered as a gouger. Thought? Originally Posted by outoftheblue

They go to a pussy appraiser..I do it part time as an independent contractor
Ralph Lauren's opinion is biased though... His opinion totally favors us ladies
Guest042715's Avatar
If you get 10 hits in your 1st WW post it's mandated that you charge $250.00. Then your allowed to raise your rates $50.00 for every 5 posts that say your pm is full.

Then in 4 months PM me..............I love gougers! Eh...hmm, I mean business conscious individuals.
txexetoo's Avatar
I think your assumed price range is off. I think the vast majority of providers are in the 200-250 range and believe me the price has zero to do with the quality of service. I have been with providers who are in the 300-350 range and they didn't do any better and some cases worse than lower cost providers
Say What's Avatar
Price is irrelevant. Find a lady that offers the services you want, has a look you desire, and a quality reputation. I can name at least 10 providers with rates in the $250 range that treated me as if I spent ten times that. One of them posted in this thread.

I have also seen ladies that had much higher rates. Almost all of them said it had to do with wanting to maintain a certain level of exclusivity. They also had longstanding, impressive reputations.

No matter the rate, it is her decision. I can certainly respect that. If I'm intrigued, I'll pay it. If I'm impressed, I'll gladly pay it again and again and again and again.
daty/o's Avatar
If you get 10 hits in your 1st WW post it's mandated that you charge $250.00. Then your allowed to raise your rates $50.00 for every 5 posts that say your pm is full. Originally Posted by sinkerswim
Quite so. And if you achieve "FOM" status, the sky is the limit.
Guest071315's Avatar
Some of my regulars have a set rate that is lower than what is advertised... And I will lower rate to snag new clientele or test a new market.... Sometimes I feel you have do specials to get people excited about you again when I wish I could just keep a normal flat rate. Psychology and marketing or maybe I'm making it too complicated.