Another website is taken down.

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Yowza I just went to see for sure has been seized/taken down o_O.
Thanks Nicolet (I hadn't been on there in a few months).
You're welcome. Mocha. Members in the NW may want to check this out.
This is very disheartening. Someone messaged me the news this morning, and I've been following the coverage by Sex Worker advocacy organizations. Yet another reminder why decriminalization is so important.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I read about it on Twitter this morning.

I've been wanting to travel to Seattle for awhile now and had plans to go there either later this month or in February.

Not sure what to think about this. Seattle has always been relatively progressive sounding with regard to sex work. Or that's what I've been hearing, until reading about this.

pyramider's Avatar
I bet they were not taint tolerant.
Guest072918's Avatar
What is sad, is sites like this actually help prevent human trafficking, since the vast majority of participants are indeed legitimate and participation is purely voluntary. How sad, but I expect this human trafficking hysteria will continue to grow.
Adult sites and verification site promoting prostitution is ILLEGAL. That's why shut down website... prostitution & promoting prostitution ILLLegal
How dare anyone think they can pay someone besides the government to get fucked
How dare anyone think they can pay someone besides the government to get fucked Originally Posted by Fishon85
GREEDY government
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
The Reason a SWOP supporter who are both responsible for promoting this seizure as a bad thing put out tainted stories that everyone else stole their stories from.

this one opens your eyes

What is sad, is sites like this actually help prevent human trafficking, since the vast majority of participants are indeed legitimate and participation is purely voluntary. How sad, but I expect this human trafficking hysteria will continue to grow. Originally Posted by Woodford
kuroshiro's Avatar
What is sad, is sites like this actually help prevent human trafficking, since the vast majority of participants are indeed legitimate and participation is purely voluntary. How sad, but I expect this human trafficking hysteria will continue to grow. Originally Posted by Woodford
You are absoulutely right. Instead, take downs like these only seem to push human trafficking even further underground, making it harder for law enforcement to crack down on it.
tandyscone's Avatar
What is sad, is sites like this actually help prevent human trafficking, since the vast majority of participants are indeed legitimate and participation is purely voluntary. How sad, but I expect this human trafficking hysteria will continue to grow. Originally Posted by Woodford
Do you have any factual evidence to support the claim that the vast majority participate on a purely voluntary basis? Every provider on the board is going to say that she is here only because she wants to be and because she loves sex. Why? Suppose a provider said, "I hate being a provider. All you guys are lousy lays. If I could find anything else in the world that would let me lead a decent life, I would take it in a minute." How many hobbyists would want to schedule with her? I am sure there are some women on this board who truly do love being a provider, who love sex, and enjoy almost every session. My guess, though, is that the vast majority actually would prefer another line of work, but can't figure out how to get there. And that is a guess; I don't really know how to prove or disprove it.

As far as human trafficking goes, if it is true that the core of men that were targeted were bringing women from Korea illegally, it is hard for me to see how that could not be trafficking. For argument's sake, I will presume that when the ladies were approached in Korea, they were told right up front that they would be coming to the US to be prostitutes, and they readily agreed. (I doubt if that were the case.) Once they get to the US, what choices do they have? They can't get a valid SSN, so they will have difficulty managing money in anything but cash. If their "managers" mistreat them, who can they complain to? If they decide they no longer want to be prostitutes, how do they get any other job? How do they return to Korea if they want to? They may not be physically coerced, but they are just as trapped as if they were.
Solitaire's Avatar
Do you have any factual evidence to support the claim that the vast majority participate on a purely voluntary basis? Originally Posted by tandyscone
I think this would be the subject of a great Poll, if enough categories were represented

Every provider on the board is going to say that she is here only because she wants to be and because she loves sex. Why? Suppose a provider said, "I hate being a provider. All you guys are lousy lays. If I could find anything else in the world that would let me lead a decent life, I would take it in a minute." Originally Posted by tandyscone
We actually do have ladies that come forward with this very conundrum. For some, its just a matter for psycho-sexual-emotional maturity. They are advised that this is not for everyone, and that they should probably find another path to explore.

I would have never been able to entertain at this level in my 20's, I was still in personal discovery mode. (Kudos to the ladies in their 20's who can and do pull it off) Now, in my 40's, I own my femininity in it's entire package.

Some dont enjoy the journey because they are made to believe that they shouldn't. I feel most sad for them.

I am sure there are some women on this board who truly do love being a provider, who love sex, and enjoy almost every session. My guess, though, is that the vast majority actually would prefer another line of work, but can't figure out how to get there. And that is a guess; I don't really know how to prove or disprove it. Originally Posted by tandyscone
The way to prove or disprove is to simply ask, and actually listen to the answers.

The vast majority (online) are funding some sort of post-secondary educational path, so trust me they are workin on that other line of work, and they "know how to get there". A gentleman should feel honored that he could get to contribute to such a worthwhile cause.

Many of us have already completed such path, have worked in the professional/corporate arena... some even run other businesses (surprise!)

I do not deny the existence of our marginalized sisters: those who are managed by pimps, or managed by a drug, or bonafide victims of trafficking... and if their cumulative numbers were totaled over the eons of time, maybe they would be in the majority. But if you take a snapshot of the industry, at any given time, they would not be in the majority, as it is impossible to "handle one's business" in that condition for very long.

The notion that most of us are desperate and without hope is the myth that feeds the stigma, and the fantasies of those who would do us harm.

They may not be physically coerced, but they are just as trapped as if they were. Originally Posted by tandyscone
And we will never know, since they were so quickly swept away to be deported, without their voices ever being heard. And this is how you really know a true victim from an agenda. Typically, anytime anyone has actually been rescued, we've gotten their stories, a book deal, a LifeTime movie, the whole works. If your real purpose is to simply make money for the legal system, we'll never hear from you.

This whole thing reminds of another group of marginalized people. Many people, back in the day, who were considered odd by societies standards (short people, the bearded lady, etc), and who could not find employment elsewhere, could live a pretty nice life with the traveling circus. That is until a group of ladies made it their purpose to "rescue" those poor souls from exploitation. Whether they needed or wanted rescue mattered none. Many were saved and made destitute.

And if I'm not mistaken, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they the same ladies who pushed for the illegalization of alcohol and prostitution as well?
Guest072918's Avatar
Thank you solitare, for explaining. I am flabbergasted at someone on this forum that buys into the human trafficking hysterical bullshit. Yes, there is some, but site like this help reduce the demand for that type of thing.

As for factual evidence, only my personal experience. Over 5 dozen personal experiences, and not a shred of evidence of any of the crap the human traffickers claim.