And so it begins....the democratic debate

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According Warren, blacks and Hispanics are not profiting from the good economy and we all doomed from global warming.

Four minutes in and we have the first attack on Trump from Klobachar.
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Behold...Beto speaks Spanish and everyone should come together for economy...except for the rich. Rich is on the menu.

Spartacus Booker, I live in a poor area with poor black and brown people. We need to go after big business.
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Warren: the very rich are running our country (by giving millions to the democrats). We dems can be bought.

Castro: equal pay for equal work. Pass the corrupt "equal rights amendment".

Gabbard: let's quit fighting other people's wars and she didn't run over her time like everyone.
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Blasio: we need to take money from those have it and give to those that need it...I've heard that some where before.

Delaney: blah,blah, blah, what did he say...nothing.

Inslee: McDonald's is bad, wind farms are good.
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Ryan: we need electric vehicles, unions are good.

Warren: we need green tech to be from the US

Notice something, they keep going back to Warren.
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I switched to the Motor Trend channel. Nobody there is capable to be POTUS.
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Would you give up your private health care plan for a government plan...Blasio and Warren are yes.

Klobachar: big pharmaceutical is bad

Back to Warren: Medicare for everyone is good for everyone and healthcare is a right.
Good grief, I had to turn on MSNBC.

Beto looks like an idiot. Howdy Doody ain’t gonna cut it.
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Beto: Medicare for everyone but let me clarify...except for private insurance.

Blasio interrupts, private healthcare is not working.

Delaney: Don't touch union healthcare.

Gabbard: universal healthcare for everyone
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Booker: healthcare is more than a human right, it is an American right????

Warren: the insurance companies made too much money last year.

Inslee: it should be illegal for an insurance company to deny women coverage for abortions and I'm the only one fighting for that.

Klobachar: I'm a woman among those women who have all been fighting for reproductive rights.

Castro: even transgenders have reproductive rights.

Warren: I hate Missouri and Georgia for denying abortions to the poor.
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Beto: let the druggies out of prison and let's put the pharmaceutical CEOs in prison.

Booker: I hold the CEOs responsible for the opioid crisis.

There was one guy who said something I liked. He said "let's not fix what is not broken,but let's fix what is broken" - that was good common sense on display for once.
Unfortunately, I don't know who the fuck he is and I already forgot his name.
I can't believe I just heard Cory Booker speak Spanish.
He's desperate for votes apparently.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Host: father's, mothers, and children are dying...with a passionate, dramatic Spanish accent.

Castro: the photo should piss us off. I would get rid of the policies of Trump (actually Obama policies).

Booker: starts speaking Spanish (I don't speak Spanish) put back DACA, create pathways to citizenship (and voters)

Castro: I'm glad Booker and Blasio agree with me.

Blasio: that photo was tragic...don't blame immigrants for cutting wages. Blame the big corporations.

Host: asks question in Spanish to Beto
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Castro and Beto talk over each other and say the same thing

Castro: Trump is using the children to leverage the democrats

Castro and Beto talk over each other again

Warrens head is swinging back and forth