New AS girls

TheTopG655's Avatar
Anyone see the new Asian Star girls? Any thoughts
IamBull's Avatar
I'm curious as well. I finally got screened, but not before I left town for work again. Kinda curious who to pick for my first time going there.
TheTopG655's Avatar
I've seen Yuna and Lily. Yuna has a small kitty so if you're big its prob not the best choice for a good time. She is great though.
I've seen Yuna and Lily. Yuna has a small kitty so if you're big its prob not the best choice for a good time. She is great though. Originally Posted by SpringFest
I just saw May. She's tall and very fit. Review coming.
Oh nice. I was considering Jinah but ill wait for your review first
TheTopG655's Avatar
Seeing May today, anyone have any intel on jinah
IamBull's Avatar
Wont be in town till next week. Have an appointment booked for Jinah. I'll post a review if no one else has by then.
good think about AS is most the pictures are pretty accurate. There isn't alot of bait and switch where its a completely different girl
gman44's Avatar
not an encounter, moved to coed