Anyone know anything about this lady?

I have located one review, but does anyone else have any information? Thanks
I ha e a feeling someone is using her pics in Panama City as she is normally in pcola and been locked up many times

She may be in pc for short stints to work and make money but mostly is in Pensacola she’s been around since 2014 doing this on and off

Seen her slingin shrimp at the local fish market on and off even after paying a visit with her when I started out ... decent time but got a runaround waiting

Have t seen her post in a few days so she may be over there

Good luck
If the ad doesn't have a specific location it's usually fake. If it doesn't have a specific location and list anal (greek) in the activities, definitely fake.
She's real. I've seen her before. She can be a bit flaky and hard to schedule with at times. She seems fairly nice and her body was more toned than her pictures would imply. She bounces back and forth between Pensacola and Panama City. She said for right now business is better in Panama City as she gets fewer prank calls and no shows than Pensacola. Those who schedule in PC tend to show up compared other areas. She has canceled on me as much or more than she's kept the appointment. I have more success with her when I try last minute and head her way right then. Here is a review someone else posted:
She is very real and all business, all options , and I mean ALL options are available, for the right price